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Re: Best Friends Club

My Shazzy @Shaz51 you don’t sound ok Chickadee.

This is a BIG squeeze hug 🫂 

I have my arms wrapped right around you and across your back.

Bring the Hug Train in my good people @Appleblossom @Healandlove @Oaktree @ENKELI @Former-Member @greenpea @Macey @MDT 

The weight of your burden is not yours to bear alone 🤗

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Shaz51 





Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 @Glisten  hugs and hugs for both of you. xx

Re: Best Friends Club

Thank you for the hugs 🫂 my @greenpea 

How are you my awesome friend 🧡 

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks for you Hugs 🫂 and being with me my @Glisten 

It is soo hot here and feel like my kidney is struggling a little bit,  so going to drink some more water 

Hello @avant-garde , @Macey 😊


@Glisten , @Healandlove , @Jynx 

Why I am careful of what I say to Mr shaz is only because I don't want him to stop doing things and do nothing 

S3 and family are not coming up for Christmas now 

S2 has to have an eye operation 

So everything just feels like it is catching up with me 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51im doing well hun.  shakey hand so is hard to write long posts but am okayxx.  here is a song for you


Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 aww hun! Having last minute plan changes can be soooo stressful, even when there doesn't seem like an impact! 


I hope you have some air con to hide away? A restful afternoon ahead I hope? 


Hugs for you mamabear 🥺🫂

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks for the hugs 🫂 @Jynx 

We watched 1993 "Addams family " this afternoon 

Aircon on 

Sausages and vegetables for dinner 

Washing done 

Shopping done for Christmas lunch next week 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 Shazzy, nothing I say is going to bring you comfort.

Change is the only constant in life and our ability to adapt gives us life.

My uncle doesn’t like Christmas. Lost his faith when my mother died. She was only 36. I was 7.

I wonder what Christmas was like for my uncle. Before his siblings got married and left home.

Now he is in his 80s. The changes he has lived through are endless.

Big HUGS 🫂 

Re: Best Friends Club



*runs up to mammabear and gives her a big leg squeezing hug (like a little girl would)*


People may be busy and not prioritise you, but our God will never leave you nor forsake you. He will never fail you even when humans do. 


You are so dearly loved my dear sister. 


One thing I like to think is that blood may be thicker than water, but the holy spirit transcends blood.