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Re: Best Friends Club

Yes they are @rav3n , @Ainjoule 

And have some white lillies coming out in the garden,  can't wait to take a photo 😀 😍 

Did some gardening this morning In-between showers  

Re: Best Friends Club

Chinese restaurant @Ainjoule 

We had a BBQ lunch on last Saturday for the family members who can't make it to the dinner this Friday night 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @rav3n 

Re: Best Friends Club

Oh lovely, sounds great @Shaz51's the weather been. Quite warm here, so I imagine it's very warm where you are?

Re: Best Friends Club

Very warm and wet here @Ainjoule 


Your little princess is going to miss you ? 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 Yes, I found someone good to look after her for a couple of days, but I will miss her and hope she is ok. I got her nails cut today so she is all groomed and ready for a couple of days at someone else's place. 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 ooo can't wait to see them too!! lilies have become one of my fav flowers recently 💮


@Sunnyside226 @Ainjoule hey there!! what's everyone getting up to tonight? 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @rav3n ...I'll be gaming in a little while, playing World of Warcraft. I didn't play for ages but I'm back into it now. How are you?

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n  💔. How I feel 


Not doing anything   just wo

Re: Best Friends Club

Oh my gosh @Ainjoule 


I used to love playing World of Warcraft.

I started on a female human Paladin but ended up playing a goblin female warlock. I have lots of toons. All female but those were my mains.