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Re: Best Friends Club

@Oaktree  I think a lot of people don't nobody wants to get up on a Sunday 


Did you finish your game last night? 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Spirit_Healer  I feel the same way as your partner with my partner's family.  It does get overwelming for me so i understand trying to deal with that anxiety.  I think your partner showed a lot of trust in you to tell you how he was feeling after the lunch.  Its not easy to admit those feelings of anxiety.  It seems like he's trying really hard and just needs to take things at his own pace.  Be proud of yourself as well for being so supportive, im sure it means the world to him.  I think you're right... the future looks good.

Re: Best Friends Club

Angry feelings - it's okay not to feel okay.
Is it like a choice?  

I agree, with @Glisten, It’s not a choice to feel how we feel.  If you're feeling angry, then something has clearly made you feel that way.  This is where the choice comes in.  Do you lash out in anger, or do you sit down and think about why you're angry?  Is this anger justified or is there something else that has truggered it? It's very hard to not just react emotionally when we have these strong feelings.  You've shown great strength to just ask yourself why you are feeling this way.  Take some time to process it and then make a decision.  You may even find those feelings have disappated by then.  If not, you're in a far more objective place to decide what to do about these feelings.

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Sunnyside226  I'm sorry your still feeling this way.  It can be easy and it siunds like you're still dealing with a lot of things.  As already suggested, call a crisisline like @RICH1 provided if you feel unsafe in any way.  They can be very helpful to just talk to and help you sort through these feeling you're having.  And of course, we're here with you as well and happy to chat with you.  Be kind to yourself Sunnyside and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you through this.

Re: Best Friends Club

In no mean way 

But who's 

@RICH1 ?  


Why is everyone telling me I'm in crisis???     


@MJG017       I don't understand  what I have done? Said    I never said I was ending myself.     


3 people told me I'm crisis? How?   

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Sunnyside226 

I'm sorry that we've made you feel like we all think you are thinking of harming youself.  I guess most people associate that with these so called crisis lines or services.  But they do offer support for people who are just going through a rough time and need a bit of emotional support if they're feeling anxious or depressed, or even just feeling a bit low. 


So we're just letting you know there are options out there you can call if you're feeling like you would just like to talk to someone about how you are feeling.


Its difficult to gauge how distressed people really are over just text communication so i guess a lot of us will just err on the side of caution.  Again, I'm sorry if it has caused you any confusion or distress, it certainly wasnt anyones intention. 


RICH1 is one of the moderators on the forum.  They are moderated 24/7 and they would be whoever was doing a shift at the time.


So please dont think you've done anything wrong at all.  In fact we think you've been so courageous to share with us how you've been feeling and we're just trying to understand as best we can how we can help you, or more importantly, how you want us to help you... even if that is just a bit of friendly chat.  That is perfectly fine. 


I hope that makes it a bit clearer and clears up any concerns you have.  If not, please let me know and we can try to be more understanding of how you are feeling.  It just really important to everyone that you feel comfortable to keep letting us know how you're going and that we can all get to know each other better which is what all of us try to do here.


So thankyou for being honest and explaining how you felt.

Re: Best Friends Club



But I'll like to  know why  I've been told I'm crisis       I'm sorry someone feeling sad  angry etc. Isn't crisis it will be different if I had  said I'm feeling like ending 


Nevermind I'll just go I'll shut up    sane upset me badly 


bye  night    sorry for everything 

Re: Best Friends Club


It sounds like you're feeling really let down tonight - I can hear how upset and alone you are feeling.

Please feel free to come back and connect with the forums whenever you want to.

Re: Best Friends Club


Its really difficult to know just how bad a person is really feeling, especially when they're sad and angry.  So people will suggest those crisis services just in case the person is in danger.  It doesnt mean we think they are, just that we let them know the options in case it is that bad.  Its just a precaution, because there are people here who are in crisis, so we do tend to want to just make sure everyone is safe.  Ive been asked the same things before and been told about the crisis lines because i was feeling really down.  I was in no danger of doing anything to myself, but people just worry when anyone seems really upset.  And they were worried about me, but I just told them that i was feeling really bad, but not that much.  To be honest, it was nice to know they cared enough about me to ask me if i needed that sort of help.  And i honestly think that its the same thing here.  We were just a concerned about you, as we would be for anyone who seems sad, and because we care about you, we just wanted to make sure you are in no danger, which you've made clear is not the case... which is great news.  So please dont think youve done anything wrong at all.  You absolutely haven't.  I sincerely promise that you haven't and I'm sorry that we've made you feel like you have.


The last thing anyone here wants to do is upset you, which clearly we have.  So I understand that you may need some time but I really hope that you decide to come back and give us another chance, and we can continue to just have some friendly chat with you again.  Chat to you soon hopefully and sorry again for letting you down.

Re: Best Friends Club

Dear @Spirit_Healer 


That sounds like a successful time with your partner and parents. I remember from the past that if I ever met a man romantically and they would not want to meet my parents it meant that they were not that interested in me as a person.    ......


Good on you for that. 🎉🐦