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Re: Best Friends Club

@ArraDreaming Oh no! Maybe it's an acquired taste with age....I love a good of my favourite dishes. I do also love bread, so either way I'd probably be happy with that meal. 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @Louie333 that's a good question. We're not able to share any explicit content on here, and that can be tricky as everyone's interpretation of what is explicit is a little different, so we often have to err on the side of caution with what goes up on here


If you're wanting a reference on the kinds of art that's often shared here you can check out the Craft Corner Thread 

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks for the invitation, @Oaktree.

I’m at a local cafe, eating orange cake and drinking a decaf iced latte. Feeling a bit spacey, like gravity isn’t quite sure where it is. 
I just started a new medication, so the floatiness is likely partly that.

I’m taking some time off work and struggling with it. I guess I’d be struggling a lot more if I was there, though so will try to bring gratitude to the ‘free’ time. 
I have a long term relationship with depression, and had some severe anxiety in the first half of the year.

I’ll put all this in the stories or introductions thread eventually.


I think the best description for where I’m at is burnout; but I talked to a GP yesterday who said he thought it was PTSD, from vicarious trauma at work.

I had never for a second thought I had ptsd. 
So I’m here, unsure what’s happened and what should happen next. But trying to be glad that there’s space for me to have this time. And simultaneously feeling exhausted, shattered, dislocated, and shame for not being strong enough or productive enough or engaged enough  - not being enough.


Please excuse me if all this isn’t quite right for this thread - but as I say, I feel quite foggy, and am grateful for the chance to say hi and what brought me here.


To be a little more on topic: enchiladas for dinner for us tonight, once I manage to step out all the stages needed to make them happen. (So many steps!!! And my brain Is so tired. It will be good to do and yummy, though, I know).

Hope everyone has had a good mid-spri g day.

Re: Best Friends Club

@Ru-bee did you have carbonara last night

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten @ArraDreaming @Oaktree @Ainjoule @Meowmy @SmilingGecko @tyme @Jynx @TAB 

@Bill16 @Shaz51 and all those I KNOW I have forgotten,


Thank you for your kind words always, I have had a refreshing break, I didn't go away except in my mind. Oh okay, I stalked @Glisten for a couple of days, then went down south and staljed @Bill16.


Today I feel good. I don't miss ex friend or God children. Today's mindset is a good one. Will tomorrow be the same? Let's give tomorrow the chance to answer that...tomorrow.


What I did find out is that I don't have as many close friends as I thought. I mean, I knew I have very few friends but when the only person who reaches out to you about a Facebook post you made talking how shattered you felt, I realised that had I posted a video or picture of a cute animal I would have had dozens of comments. The person who reached out is a former co-worker who I haven't spoken to face to face in nearly 10 years. She called me and texted me. 

It made me realise how important these online forums are for people like myself who don't have a lot of friends, and even less with mental health experience.


I hope all is going well, I am going to try and catch up with everything that has been going on with my Sane family.


As my non religious father always says - May the God of your understanding bless you and keep you.



Re: Best Friends Club

Nah I actually ate out and got loaded fries 😂 @ArraDreaming BUT I got the ingredients and am cooking it tonight! Really looking forward to it. How was yours last night? I saw the kids weren't sure about it but were keen on the bread

Re: Best Friends Club

Not sure what there issue was to be honest, super fussy at the min @Ru-bee they only want bread and noodles
I tried to say well this noodles… with cheese, and bacon ??
I thought it was delicious cooked some bacon in the over first so it was crispy to put on top

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks for the welcome @Ainjoule 😊 I didn't get a notification for your @ for some reason 🤔 I'm new to forums in general so I'm still exploring/figuring things out.


As for dinner last night, I went out for fish and chips with my family. It was delish! Carbonara is one of my favourites too though 😋

Re: Best Friends Club

Yeah kids can be weird with their tastes @ArraDreaming I remember absolutely hating certain foods as a kid and now I love them. Honestly your carbonara sounds so good! 


@wf I love a good fish and chips! Sounds like it was a good dinner with the family

Re: Best Friends Club

It’s just the babies, @Ru-bee our older one is fine but went through a phase for sure they all do