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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Thanks @Former-Member and @Hope-and-faith I feel slightly less like a tool.
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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Lol @Bettinae21 ðŸ˜‚- most do the same, re-edit frequently - not a big deal. How is your day going?

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

I’m So tired all the time. I seem to be great before my pill and when it wears off at night, in between I just want to sleep. I am trying to keep awake because I have a long drive today. I have to see the psychologist, not my favourite thing to do. I hate talking about the feels 😀

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Sorry forgot to @Former-Member
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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

@Bettinae21 Sorry to read you are feeling so tired after your pill wears off. That does make it hard to cope during the day. Have you spoken to your medical professional who prescribes them to you? They may need adjusting. I feel tired today through lack of sleep so it's pushing through for me today 😃 I understand how it can be uncomfortable delving into painful feelings in therapy - I usually discuss what I feel comfortable with. Not sure if that would be good for everyone but for me I don't like to relive past hurts. Hope your session is not too bad and you derive benefit from it that helps you. Nice chatting with you

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Hi @Ant7 you like my random empty posts don’t you 😉

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

I feel like the pill is what is making me tired @Former-Member I’m in the process of switching psychiatrists. The time of year is making it a bit hard as they all seem to be holidaying still.
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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

That sounds like a good idea @Bettinae21. Most are on holiday now and I could imagine it would be hard finding a replacement now - and then there's the waiting for the appt. You may have more success engaging a new psychiatrist mid January. Fingers crossed for you 😊

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

How is that jigsaw puzzle coming along @Shaz51 ?

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

@Bettinae21 Hi i do that all the time then I feel like a dill lol