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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

it's really kind of strange to me that my idea of looking at the personality stuff and what to do with it, morphed into an entity that has almost come to life.   It initially was a conversation I had with my partner where I blurted out all this stuff about what I thought would happen if those four basic types were marooned on an island....  and bam   now look at it  😛  It amazes me a bit that it grew to this.  In a really good way though.


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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Its really great @Spookytookims i love the ideas and many others do it
Look at us now on our island lol

@CheerBear its greater that you and spooky even meantioned doing a drawing for TI so the creditors goes to you guys 💖💖
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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Aww @CheerBear you have me the lurgy!!

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

@Former-Member - I may be too late here, but Pic B is my preference.  Sorry I wasnt around yesterday to nominate.  I am looking forward expectantly for the big unveiling today of your ship pic.  Woman Happy

Hi also to @CheerBear@Spookytookims @Former-Member @TheVorticon, and any other Island dwellers I may have missed in my morning roll-call.

Have a good day all.

Sherry xx

Sentinel Dog (on duty and on guard)

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Good morning @Former-Member 🙂

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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Nearly finished the drawing @CheerBear @Spookytookims @TheVorticon @Phoenix_Rising @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51

Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Fantastic @Former-Member.  Cant wait, bring it on.

Sorry you've caught @CheerBear 's lurgy from Turtle Island though, you poor thing.  Did you grow the mowhawk thing that she had as well?  Interested to hear that.  I hope you are in isolation so as not to spread it further.   Woman LOL

Sherry Heart

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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

I know so close just adding in extra details now @Former-Member

Haha no i dont think i have yet lol a mohawk on a caterpillar hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Do you want a clue to the drawing @Former-Member
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Re: Adventures on Turtle Island

Alright drawing is complete! !!
@Appleblossom @Former-Member @Spookytookims @CheerBear @TheVorticon @Phoenix_Rising @Former-Member