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Re: Lost myself

Dear Anne

That is such brilliant news! Thanks so much for sharing as I really needed some good news. I am feeling very heartsick about the way good people like @hiddenite and @redhead are being treated by MHUs. So bless you for that. And well done for your persistence!

Keep taking care of you my friend!

Hope for being heard endures...

Kindest regards, 


Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Wow @kato more fantastic news from you too. That is great stuff! 

I'm so glad that you think I know the right thing to say, because I don't! - so I ask my friend "upstairs" to give me the right words, I just bring the open heart to hear, then open my mouth and hope that something helpful comes out. Woman Happy But I thank you for your kind words.

This is all such great news, it does not sweep away the court hearing, but it sounds like a significant step forward in many aspects. And you know that is down to you - you keep on keeping on, even when it is looking to you like going backwards. And sometimes we do need to backtrack.

I'm really proud of you and I hope you are proud of yourself too - even talking to your parents. It's been a big day. I'm so glad you have posted this and your previous couple. This will be something to come back to when the next rough patch hits - because you can then have a bit more of that longer-view perspective to help you through it. (Along with your pep-talk squad here of course!)

Hope for growing into ourselves endures...

Kindest regards, 


Re: A Poem? Maybe?

We need to pull in some new people.......just a tic.......

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Hey folks,
If you haven't already you should check out a guy named Jake Bugg - "Simple as this" is one of his songs and that's why I chose this name. When I first heard it I felt liberated and actually cried with relief....

These are the lyrics.... Your thoughts guys?

"Simple As This"

I've been in search of stones
Making up the pavement of less-travelled roads
Mining for treasure deep in my bones
That I never find

Went looking for reverence
Tried to find it in a bottle
And came back again
High on a hash pipe of good intent
But it only brought me down

Tried institutions of the mind and soul
It only taught me what I should not know
Oh and the answer well who would have guessed
Could be something as simple as this
Something as simple as this

Travelled to each ocean's end
Saw all seven wonders, trying to make some sense
Memorised the mantra Confucius said
But it only let me down.

Tried absolution of the mind and soul
It only led me where I should not go
Oh and the answer well how could I miss
Something as simple as this
Something as simple as this

I've been falling, crashing, breaking
All the while you were stood here waiting
For me girl

Tried liberation of my own free will
But it left me looking to get higher still.
Oh and the answer well who would have guessed
Could be something as simple as this
God knows how I could have missed
Something as simple as this.

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

It's about trying to enjoy the little things and appreciating simplicity.... And another poem with polarity if you don't mind 🙂


After a while
you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't always promises
and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and and your eyes ahead with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much
So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers
And you learn that you really can endure, that you really are strong and you really do have worth and you learn and you learn
with every good-bye you learn.

Author: Veronica A. Shoffstall

friend passing away

Do you know when your life goes 360 then 360 the other way feels like this and you are the ones who understand. My friends on Sane Forums

My dearest friend and neighbour, a beautiful, close friend of mine who lived next door, who had times of mental ill health issues...passed away in his partners arms on Friday morning. She was visiting me and he called her upstairs...she needed a break for 15 minutes from his paranoia.
I'm sorry I'm so sad.
He was only 45 years old.

My neighbour and friend has been getting visits from his family demanding all his belongings and money. They telephoned Centrelink Friday afternoon and cancelled her payments for being his carer. The outcome of her visitors was that she stayed with me until this morning. She is friends with the man who's been stalking me so he was helping her out and ....he's quit drinking alcohol and he defended her and sat with her through some time as well. He was so kind, only one family member of hers has been kind to her. No one has even telephone.d her.

I have never ever experienced how people can be aggressive when their family member has passed away. They were never here for him but once he passed's all different.

sorry if it's too heavy.

Re: friend passing away

Hi @PeppiPatty

when life spins you around twice and drops you out sideways, is how i think of what you are saying there 🙂

I am saddened by your news that happened with your neighbor friend, no need to be sorry here, i apologise as it has taken me so long to reply, it is a difficult time to go through and then true colours for some families come out.

It truly becomes a horrible time when family members become bitter and twisted, unable to actually have the realisation that a life has passed, but instead seek out what they want to gain, it always sickens me, that with someone's passing the disgusting way some people act comes out.

I have only expierenced it a couple of times myself thankfully, but each or both times it was the ones who never visited, never spoke to them blah blah blah, i hope you are holding up alright with this loss.

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Across thee open room, he spotted himself looking back,

How can this atrocity be the man that he thinks is me

Twisted and distorted, somewhat departed,

Thoughts are flaring with the warnings blaring,

Why does he only view himself as such,

An insurmountable mess, impossible to impress

Momentary lapses in judgement, but yet i digress

He, who is me and i, who is him, lost in a notion

But how can one be lost when once, one was found

Interesting question for it creates a sensation

From there it builds into quite a crescendo

The noises grow louder, they grow more bolder

He is searching for more then just one answer

Fleeting moments of respite, when everything feels right

perhaps it comes down to the disorder, chaos and order

But alas thee time has come to rest for thee night

Sleep tight, Sleep light, Mayhaps no sleep at all tonight


Just had to get whatever this is LOL out of my head tonight

Re: friend passing away

@kato sweetheart,

I haven't been able to read your messages properly for a couple of days......
I've just been feeling so absolutely sad.

thank you for this message, I'm going to read your poem now.
I've been told both me and my neighbour and good friend are not invited to the funeral. it feels like grief replacing anger or is it anger replacing grief.....I dunno.

Re: A Poem? Maybe?


I'll check out Jake Bugg- have I messaged you @SimpleAsThis ?? I like that saying...'Tried liberation of my own free will.'