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Re: 365 Project

Today I am grateful for hot running water! I have been doing loads of yard work for the last four days and a hot shower at the end of the days work is pure heaven, and is saving my back.

I ended up ordering quite a bit too much mulch so now I am going to clear some more land and make some more garden beds so I can use it up. The days are getting long enough that I can do a bit after work now. Getting long enough that I am thinking of starting jogging again too.

Not applicable

Re: 365 Project


My lil girls birthday is this week (7 already!) and she got a pretend kitten thing. She introduced her new kitty (Daisy) to our cat Ella this morning. Was quite funny, Ella was not impressed and did not think it was very funny! Especially when Daisy stood up on her legs and wiggled her paws at her. Quite a few laughs were had though!


Re: 365 Project

Hooray I just found my glasses that slipped off my sweaty nose 3 days ago.  I had to drive son to airport with my scipted sunnies and peer around when trying to see ... but here  Robot Happy  is to being able to go back to the same spot more than once .. not something i HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO TAKE FOR GRANTED .. they were in a little pile of aggie roo ts.

Re: 365 Project

today ....after a year of fighting to get rid of the stalker, I got a knock on the door. Two people came over to visit me. They told me that they had been put under stress from this stalker for the past 3 weeks but they found my details and wondering if he was living here. 

I fell into stunned surprise as they told me what the stalker had been doing. They has called the police ......not knowing what next step to take, they  drove to  my home. These two kind people  didnt realise it was as bad as they thought it was. I showed them my support letters I had. I showed them some things he had done and they promised that they were coming back to fix them. 


This is my good thing today. This and writing hello to my great friends on Sane Forums.

Re: 365 Project

good news @Chookmojo!  

Re: 365 Project

Today I'm thankful for the rain and being able to lay in bed this morning and listen to the relaxing sound of the rain outside. If I'm lucky, it'll still be raining when I go to sleep tonight...

Senior Contributor

Re: 365 Project

Listening to the rain and having it block out eeverything else is the absolute goods ay

Re: 365 Project

Somehow it makes the heat beat a little more regular as well. 🙂 Remedy for the mind and the heart.
Senior Contributor

Re: 365 Project

Senior Contributor

Re: 365 Project

I'm getting ready for war , who's coming with me .