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Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Get up. have food. have a shower. clean teeth. you will feel way better. even if you go back to bed after ... @StanD  (roomie) off to chemist again here flat out all day getting quotes, trying to organise sh!t, going to dr, chemist ha ha lol

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

@TAB gave decent advice.


Hope your new PSW helps you get moving on housing for you. @StanD I have been in to town twice and saw homeless peep.  Breaks my heart.  Can only do so much.


The minister in our church called me sister.  He greets people as they leave "worship". I like him, but his sermons are too long.  They call it different things in different churches... mass, meeting, ... homily, sermon, Early Word ... I also spoke to a young guy who had been in a Hillsong mosh pit.  Talk about a broad church.


That minister will be leaving congregation soon. (Which makes 3 in 2 years). So many changes.  We can only cope with so much.  The churches are suffering from declining numbers and ageing populations ... maybe keep that in mind ... to help with the wheeling and dealing ...of church commuunity politics.  

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

@Appleblossom  you're alright.


@StanD  (roomie) there is history between AB and I . hasnt always been positive , prob was mostly for a while . A while back.  just a general disclaimer. happy to leave you guys to it, you seem to be getting on really well. That's Good. Guess that's what this site is for. 😺

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Hey All,


PSW is gone now. She was helpful dealing with electricity, gas companies by phone - was all in ex"s name. 


Obviously, I'm still in the living in the house, even if technically his lawyers, & law in general says I'm not entitled too.


The power & gas companies don't care, they only see there is consumption. They had assumed I was new tenant (12 years) 


Sorry, long & complicated - my head was spinning trying to get services in my name, for a house I'm being told is not mine ...yada, yada.. @Appleblossom 


Thanks for the motivation @TAB -stay on track with simple - it helps. Brain becomes so overwhelmed. I can tell you get it.


Thankyou, both, All 


I can feel myself losing hope. The tiny & big gestures make a difference - even when at the time you don't always think it is.


Thanks for replying both of you


Im glad you mentioned church Apple. 

The 'oldies' have lots to offer (take that however you want! - &roomie)


@SmilingGecko I wanted to let you know that the you Tube link about resetting nervous system, is quite good. It gives me another tool. And it is based in semi science. I also wanted to let you know about your tree hugging encouragement & description of the mechanisms, taking place - it has been astonishing to me. This is strong tool for me. I didn't even care that people (if) staring at me - cause I know you are smart.


@Shaz51 @hanami @StuF @MDT @greenpea & All


💋💋💋🍗 TY💜









Re: Welcome To The Conversation

dont you  usually have a claim to half property in a relationship over 6 months or whatever @StanD  ? dont have to answer, sure you know the facts.

Get what help you can. guess you found this person somehow, that's something. ha sometimes think back to late 80s paying $40/wk for a room  earned $300/wk when could be bothered  had place to self when not working lol .. once a fortnight walk to dole office .. lol

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

It's thru NDIS @TAB which I've only recently started. This was only 2nd time meeting with supports.


Cost of living is impossible now. It's literally fucked. Things have gone way too far & average human is suffering needlessly in our 1st world country - I don't like that term - I liked the letter you posted. Proud👍👍👍👍


So, my ex - inherited $1mil + house after his father's suicide. They are hugely wealthy. My ex diagnosed schizophrenia. He had good & bad days. I didn't know what mental illness was, when we meet( in my 20's) & made lots of excuse for his behaviour. 

Anyway, clearly his Dad was aware that ex was incapable of being responsible for money + house &,  title of house etc was place into a trust to manage & give him allowance etc.


My name was not anywhere on the Dad's Will.


I agree with you & thought, I must be entitled, regardless.


They are telling me - his lawyer, & mine, that technically I have no right to be here.


The term that they have coined for me is , 'licensee' 


It makes zero sense to me. I have Autism & problems processing information. I am recovering from many years of abuse & believe I was in danger for my life. I am in touch with all the housing places. Last I heard, it is 5 years - COVID fucked a broken system.


I hate talking about all this stuff. I wanted to give you the info - you can kind of understand.



Re: Welcome To The Conversation

sorry, but thanks I guess for explanation @StanD  (roomie)  hope you can find a way out of this situation.

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

I had no idea about the law of living together 6 months gave one rights to property.  Seems a bit easy.  @TAB Yes, it has not all been positive and I really am not sure why.  I should be able to like the music I like without a prob.  I am prretty broad in music interest and taste.


@StanD Glad you are on housing lists, with the other conversations, I was not sure what you were "on top of'.  


Another Interesting thing we have in common my ex was diagnosed with Sz and came from well to do family.  Not hugely wealthy, but almost in comparison to my family.  I felt sorry for him but got bit bad.  Lost my physical health and family and played havoc with my mental health.


You said " They are hugely wealthy. My ex diagnosed schizophrenia."

Re: Welcome To The Conversation

well that was common fodder in early 80s re property law @Appleblossom  not sure how factual it was


Re: Welcome To The Conversation

Hello @StanD. While I'm well-versed in things 'paranormal' (I understand they are looking for a better term to replace this one as it suggests something non-scientific—which is completely wrong). It's true science, but one person's interpretation can be quite different to another's. 'Transcendence' is not a term I use so I am not familiar with how it is used, and different realities? —that's news to me.


All of these subjects mean different things to different people, I find. Many outright deny them all, which is ignorance. I wonder if they deny dark matter or accept is as a scientific fact/likelihood? 


I hope you're feeling better than when you posted @StanD. I'm not feeling well at all, so please excuse me while I take a break. 😊

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