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Re: Secret Party Planning...

omg @CheerBear - that is exactly what I WOULD do - spend the money to make things myself lol

I hope I am in a better 'place' today to get started...

goodluck with the catering - I can see that we may have to 'rescue' you later from pinterest lol

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Haha - perhaps it's a good thing this is all virtual craft and we can't play together in person @Zoe7. I can see us disappearing in a wonderful world of tissue paper, paint, glue guns, transparent fishing line (because that always comes in handy!), cardboard.... 😂

I can also see myself floating into far away land with this whole party planning thing. Hope you're in a better place for you today too. The cucumber pickle (lol) over sandwiches helped me through a not-so-great
place this morning 💗

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Now imagine all that 'stuff' being made in a classroom that barely has enough room for the desks for the students and you will get a better understanding of what my classroom constantly looks like @CheerBear - they do their work and then they can 'play' with whatever arty/crafty things they can dream up - it is organised chaos - and I love it when they are creating - and they are well trained to clean up at the end of the day (you would not know that there had been any 'mess' anywhere). You would be awesome in a classroom with me CB Smiley Happy

This is why I love TOR so much - can create magical rooms andtake my mind away from myself to put a smile on someone else's face Heart

Re: Secret Party Planning...

That sounds amazing @Zoe7 🙂 I would love getting to spend time with you in your classroom. Our place has a playroom (because they sleep in the same room) and it is full of creations and organised chaos. It's a great space for them and I think, as I'm sure you do too, is so important for little and big humans to have an outlet like that (in whatever way it happens). I think that's why I love TOR too, and gravitated there very quickly after joining. You bring something special to forumland 🙂

Speaking of creating, I'm about to duck past the nest then dive into some drawing. It's definitely not my 'thing' but I'm having a go and finding it very calming so I'll keep at it.

Catchya later 🙂

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Thanks @CheerBear Smiley Happy I loved seeing you pop in when you were funshine - brought a little light into TOR everytime you were around. It certainly did become a 'safe place' for everyone to have a little 'normality' on the forum (even if it was a crazy kind og normality lol). I started a new thread for all my 'dramas' the other day so TOR could remain a safe place - didn't want my 'stuff' to get in the way of the 'conversations' that happen on there. I suppose - in a way - the party planning thread has now become a second TOR and nest combined - a place to just enjoy the simple things in life - like birthdays.

I super, super, super love having you as a neighbour - and I super, super, super love what you have brought to the forum - intelligence, foresight, creativity and compassion - I would be proud to call you my friend both on and off the forum Heart

Enjoy the drawing CB - will check back in after my appointment to get started on the party planning...

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Hey @Zoe7 - thank you for your lovely words this morning. It's taken me all day to reply, but they've stuck with me today. I super enjoy having you as a neighbour and would be proud to call you my friend too. I love the idea of this little betweeny space 🙂

How are you going today? I'm planning on more pinning later tonight if I can't sleep or if I wake up early again. It was a great distraction 🙂 Give us a shout if you would like the company and distraction too - knowing me at the moment, there's a good chance I'll be up 🙂

Re: Secret Party Planning...

I love the little betweeny space too @CheerBear - our little rainbow footpath where everything is ok!!!

I am still struggling but had a chat today on helpline that really helped - sometimes it is a matter of taking my mind off things for long enough to get through the next minute, hour, day!

I am extremely tired tonight and still feeling really unwell. The biggest issue is if I go to sleep too early then I have nightmares - but if I go too late I feel too sick/out-of-it to fight off the flashbacks before sleep. It is a very, very fine balance that I have not even nearly got a handle on yet.... so party planning may be on the agenda for tonight - but I will need lots of help and encouragement Heart

Re: Secret Party Planning...

That sounds like a very tricky balance @Zoe7. Glad helpline helped today as well. Breaking it all down into tiny little bite sized get through it chunks is how we've gotta roll sometimes.

I think mine took a dose of the sillies tonight and have only just started to calm 😕 But I have (hopefully) arrived at the quiet side of the night now so I can do gentle encouragement and help if/when you're ready 🙂

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Thanks @CheerBear It is a tricky balance and I really am so tired tonight I am not sure how long I will last - so I know the early morning is not going to be good Smiley Sad

I will get started here soon - just jump in when you see me if you like Heart

Re: Secret Party Planning...

There's a juke box in the beer garden. A commercial kitchen, bbq, coffee machine and plenty of grog @Zoe7 @Former-Member @CheerBear @Maggie. 😜
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