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Re: Good Morning!

Yes im on AP's as well, tho iv never had a psychotic episode. I hav bad anxiety, they hav tried me on numerous anti anxiety meds (anti dep's), 1 of them didnt work, the other several i had very bad side effects to, only lasted 1-2 days on each it was so bad. So they were left with no other option but AP. But iv bn on short term anti anxiety meds for 7 months which they havnt bn able to take me off bcoz they havnt bn able to find a long term anti anxiety med to replace. Now bcoz its bn so long my body is addicted to those meds. I am in the process of reducing now but hav to increase AP each time bcoz thrs nothing else to deal with the anxiety. Really nervous about just how far up im going to hav to go on the AP coz iv got a very long way to go to get off other meds. Reduced 1 of the 2 meds by 25% and thats it, the other short term med hasnt bn touched yet. So im kind of wondering just how far this is going to go. I take the AP's at night but now that im reducing  the other meds, i take a small dose in the morning and yes, sooo tired. Its so frustrating! I just want to get back to work and live a normal life but i can see this being a long road. Do u take your AP's in the morning or at night? Or both? I hav to take the AP's 1.5 hours before i want to go to bed/sleep. They take a fair while to work for me. But i wake every morning with the terrible burning sensation in my head,face, neck and body, along with racing mind and like 'one track thoughts', like 1 or 2 lines of a song going over and over in my head. Very annoying. 

Thanks for being my forum friend @greenpea @ ☺

Re: Good Morning!

@Doglover  It is I who should be thanking you for being my forum friend. You are a very nice and intelligent woman dont forget it :).I really appreciate your friendship. I take one lot of ap, mood stabilizer and anti depressant in the morning. I take mood stabilizers at night and one ap.  For me it has been a long ride to find myself again after I had a long series of manic episodes. I don't even know if I am the same person as I was before. My mi has changed me so much both mentally and physically. Some days I can barely hold a conversation, that is a basic conversation in rl other days I have it together. I have paranoid symptoms which the meds are not taking away (as yet anyway). I was manic over ten years ago for some 18 months or so before I was hospitalized.  Spent basically a year sleeping my life away before I got the help I needed. I supose what I am saying it has been a long road for me I really hope it is not as long for you or as damaging. That is my wish for you Doglover xxxx

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea I can discuss my potential with you and decide which ones to go to, haha. Have a great evening.

Re: Good Morning!

That's good about i your anxiety @Meowmy
Good on you my friend 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Have a great evening too sweetheart xxxx

Re: Good Morning!


Re: Good Morning!

I am so sorry to hear how much u hav suffered @greenpea . It is a testament to your strength of character that u r still here and that u r still moving forward. You hav bn through such a hard road, and yet here u r on here pretty much everyday being a blessing to other people. That says a lot about who u are.


Thank u for ur kind words. I feel that i have done a lot more taking than giving since being on the forum and havnt bn much of a friend to anyone. But if u feel that i hav bn a friend to u then for that i am very grateful, and appreciate all the support and friendsholip you hav shown me.

I totally relate to what u said about not knowing if ur even the same person u were, and how much your MI has changed u mentally and physically. Totally relate! I know im not the person i was before my  MI and i find that heartbreaking (as my "Heartbroken" thread brought out). I am not the happy, outgoing, funloving, funny person i used to b. I hope some day at least some of those aspects of my personality will return. Im sure my husband does too!!

I can also relate to some days not even being able to hold a basic conversation. I feel like my brain is one thick fog, i cant think of simple words and concepts, or il say a word in a sentence that is not what was in my head to say. This is soneone who has come from a highly demanding job which basically involved problem solving, critical thinking, analysis and the like, to now being a total jelly head. It was a long fall i can tell u. 

I too hope my journey wont be as long and traumatic as yours @greenpea  and again, i am so sorry for all that u hav bn through. But i so appreciate that u use ur suffering to be a blessing to me and so many others on this forum.

Thank you my friend. 💖


Doglover xxx

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @greenpea I'm happy to be a sweetie or softie - maybe not too soft, because then I get walked all over (as in the past).

Even my psychologist says that I'm "not a typical man" (maybe somewhat unusual).

She even calls me "Wise", on occasion...


Re: Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Meowmy  good to know I’m not the only one working on recovery post hospitalisation. Things still seem like I’m on shaky ground but I’m trying to get back into life. I have my new tattoo which is almost healed (and the nurses didn’t even notice 😂) so things are looking up. I’ve got my ndis plan review meeting this Friday at 11am ( @eth  I’m tagging you here) so I’m really nervous.Hopefully things go well.