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Re: Craft Corner

Oh my - yes I really do please @outlander!

Re: Craft Corner

2018-08-18 20.56.23.jpg


@CheerBear the colouring looks odd. It looks 2 tone but the darker pink is the actual colour. I couldnt get the lighting  right. Ive decided to add in another colour. Im thinking blue, teal or white




Re: Craft Corner

Oh I'm so looking forward to seeing this @outlander!

Have you picked a pattern or do you have a project in mind for it? Did you find someone to sit with you and show you some crochet the other day? (So many questions sorry but so much yay!)

Re: Craft Corner

hopefully it doesnt take too long @CheerBear
pattern? project? i havent even gotten past the first granny square yet!!! haha so different to just doing the single crochet thats for sure. yeah i did, we could only spend an hr though as she had to go out and i was having to mnay headspins so couldnt focus for very long but she taught me the techniques of the centres and branching out, then it pretty much just repeats the same sort of technique till i finish the square so was enough time. this one i started on my own this afternoon.

Re: Craft Corner

Its up @outlander. You have done SO well! That's seriously cool! Again those stitches are so neat and even. It can a while to get to that and to see your progress from never picked up a hook to this in a couple of days is so exciting!

Any of your colour choices would look fab. Are you going to keep working on the same square and let it grow? You'll have a lap sized blanket in no time if you do!

This is awesome! 😊👍😊

Re: Craft Corner

i can feel your excitment from here lol @CheerBear i learnt so much in just an hr yesterday. all the basic stitches and how to start it off!

hmm im not sure... i dont know how to join the squares yet (but im sure ill learn!) but continuing on would be a good idea! with making it bigger and bigger though would you make each colour section larger? as in dont just do 2 rows but maybe a few more
ooh i should make a rainbow one in dedication to you!

Re: Craft Corner

I'm so excited for you @outlander! It's fun to learn something new and to see it take off and work out. There really is a never ending amount of creations to make ☺


I've only joined one blanket with granny squares, and I'll probably only ever join one (lol). It was not my idea of fun as there were so many yarn ends to stitch in. But I know some people enjoy it though, so maybe you might.


One large granny square would be cool.


Here's one where they changed colour every three rows 




And another where colour changed a little differently (every 2 rows, then every row, then a thick border of 4 rows before the final border).


images (22).jpeg


I think both look pretty great. Maybe mix it up as you feel like it?


Oooh which reminds me of something cool I saw a while ago. It was a mood blanket where the person made one row a day and chose the colour to reflect their mood at the time. Could be an interesting thing to do sometime ☺



Re: Craft Corner

will wait for your pics to come up @CheerBear
yeah i was thinking there were going to be too mnay ends to tie off and stitch compared to one big granny square
oh yes i did see that too with the mood blankets. that would be a pretty good project though i wouldnt remember what each colour represented lol.

Re: Craft Corner

A little stitching I can deal with. A whole bag of granny squares - nope!

I think I'd make a mood blanket without a colour to match a mood specifically, but more just a "what colour is my mood that I have in my yarn stash, right now" kind of thing. I'd definitely have a jumbled up blanket by the end of it @outlander 😆

Re: Craft Corner

I cant see the first pic but i love the second one @CheerBear
Lol you wouldnt be the only one with a jumbled blanket! Ive only got 4 colours atm so ill see how i go with those for now but i will have to look into a project properly and pick colours to get etc.