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Re: what are your Life Goals ?

Hi @Former-Member 

I just realised it was you who tagged me in this thought provoking thread started by @LostAngel. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy your break and that your time walking and climbing in nature leads to restful and refreshing sleep. Take care, RedHorse 🌹🐴

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

Hi @LostAngel 


It’s so lovely to hear from you Heart


Thank you so much for inviting me to participate in this conversation - it’s such a wonderful idea for a thread Smiley Happy


At the moment, I’m actively working towards achieving one of my long term goals which is to be able to return to the career that I absolutely love Heart


As such, I’ve created a series of smaller goals that I affectionately refer to as my stepping stars Heart


Each star represents something (for example an activity or an experience) that will support me to be able to achieve my long term goals in a way that’s gentle and realistic Heart


For example, I’ve been participating in therapy on a regular basis so that I can address the issues that are currently impacting my capacity to be able to work.


Similarly, I’ve also been completing some online professional development to ensure that my knowledge and skills remain current.


Although I still have a long road ahead of me, I feel somewhat hopeful that if I keep following my stepping stars, I’ll be able to achieve my long term goals Heart


Thank you so much again for creating such a wonderful thread Heart


Take care of yourself,


ShiningStar Heart


Re: what are your Life Goals ?

WOW @ShiningStar what an achievement ❤️ 

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

Thanks for tagging me on this thread @Former-Member - and to @LostAngel for putting this idea of life goals out there. It's nice to see what everyone has written and it makes me think about where I'm at too. There's big goals that might be something to work towards over the long term, but mainly I find myself circling back to the constant day to day goals of trying to bring the fractured life I lead together. There are some relationships that I just can't reconcile, where there have been years of alienation. So while I can't seem to bring those harmoniously together, I can keep focused on my goal of working towards strengthening the relationships I do have with my family members. To be honest, this goal and just trying to keep myself emotionally well takes up much of my energy and I think that's okay for now.

Sending good wishes for everyone in pursuing their goals!

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Re: what are your Life Goals ?

@Sky4  Sounds like you are working hard already at your goals. Keep up the good work Sky❤️

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

@RedHorse: something that's helped me in rediscovering my identity is having a think about different key areas of my life, someone did a doctorate about how people with schizophrenia rebuild their lives:

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

Hi @Cin 


It’s so lovey to hear from you Heart


Thank you so much for your words of encouragement - it means so much to me Heart


Take kind and gentle care of yourself Heart


ShiningStar Heart

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

Hi @Gwynn and thankyou. My apologies for the belated response; I haven't been at all well these past weeks but am coming out of the darkness now. I could really do with some help in rediscovering and redefining my identity atm so the link you provided is much appreciated. Onwards and upwards. Take care, RedHorse 🌹🐴

Not applicable

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

I just saw this thread now - @LostAngel what a great thread idea! 🌟


Some of my life goals are to be happy. To have fulfilling relationships. To be able to travel and see as much of the beautiful world as I can. To experience as much joy as I can. To see lots of my favourite bands live. To perhaps live overseas at some point. To have cats as pets 😻And some more pragmatic things like having housing and financial security. But most of all I value happiness and wellness 🌻

Re: what are your Life Goals ?

What a lovely idea!
I have many passions and for this I looked back to my childhood what I enjoyed. I love communication in any form - writing, speaking and these are my passions - as well as exploring new places and I love music and painting.
I have written many lists of goals over the years but these days my goals are short-term as things always change. I'm currently studying so my main goal at the time is to complete my studies by the end of this year. What are your goals?
Have a wonderful day!