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Re: ever wonder why


If anyone wants a special NYE, I’ll send a stretch limo to pick you up and take you to the airport where my helicopter will be waiting to fly you to Hayman Island on the Great Barrier Reef. Landing on the snow-white sands of the beach for the new years party, with the delicious sea-food smorgasbord to greet us, to welcome Aulsangsine (new year).

Then to fly back home.


Happy New year to you all



Re: ever wonder why

@Appleblossom     Thanks mate.  You are right,  broke 5 last year,  and it was not as big a deal as it sounds,   they dont even tape em now.    I'm sure you know,  the farms stories are all i have to give,  a little levity and a lot of diversity.  Some times it lifts a friends clouds ,   some times nothing will,   Does  Make the workers here laugh though ,   and i just take from that.      Its good to know you take the time now and then to read a few,  I reckon you just shake your head at times,  the things that pass across your   desk hey,     So I'll save the story about the last lady that came to stay here from the big smoke,..............   But you just know it gonna come out one day......!   Hope others appreciate your   " gardening skills"   as much as i do.           Very best wishes to you mate...                                        tonys  M b 1                                              


Re: ever wonder why

@maddison     Hey there Maddison,    Yes ive got a few animals, ... well a lot , ... but im multitasking.!     I did check in on you last night.   I redirected to farm stories because i'm out of umbrellas....       Wind,  rain,  and umbrellas........    a bad combo ....  something always gets turned inside out.    You're getting all sorts of love sent your way....  An avalanche..... Street and bush stories ,   Thats the best ive got in my band aid bag,     Oh ... wait,     theres  some ears here too,      I can listen ,....   and some huge hands to cup your face and tell you ,.....its O K.


You learnt one thing though....      You sure do have a whole bunch of people here that care about you..     And empathy,        its a natural human instinct  mate.   Slow deliberate moves, 

I like it ....      My kind of lingo..      Speak honestly...     Like that too.     I  never try to fix old dam wall cracks.      I just let it burst..      Then i can build a new one.

Probley the last thing I'll  ever say is,      You know loyalty is a big thing with me mate.    Its all people have...       2o years is a lot of history...   none of us know what you share...    Which ever way you sway,       Just because you dont share a space ,   doesnt mean you'll stop caring for each other.     Yes.. I know,...   i know!,..   ive said too much,   well im a simple man,

and im going to give my prize porker a toffee apple,  and a hose down. 

I'm  autistic so you will notice i never use this word hardly ever.....   but i will always love you Maddison....    even on your most painful days.    

tonys  moon base one...


Re: ever wonder why

@BobP   wondered where you got too,    Light relief,   niiiiice,,   Take care and enjoy your......"trip"

   Hope santa and you shared a bottle.

Best whishes tonys   Moon base one

Re: ever wonder why



 @Smiling_Gecko @TAB @Bill16 @Hams @StuF @Maggie49 @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Snowie @Meowmy @EternalFlower @BobP @TuxedoCat @FloatingFeather @amber22 @tyme @hanami @maddison @Emelia8 @greenpea @Basil @Jake63 @Captain24 @Historylover @DelicateUnit @Delicatessen @BPDSurvivor @yellowcorgi @Clawde 

and all forumites here.

If anyone wants a special NYE, I’ll send a stretch limo to pick you up and take you to the airport where my helicopter will be waiting to fly you to Hayman Island on the Great Barrier Reef. Landing on the snow-white sands of the beach for the new years party, with the delicious sea-food smorgasbord to greet us, to welcome Aulsangsine (new year).

Then to fly back home.


Happy New year to you all


Re: ever wonder why

Oohhhh, so that's what this feeling is?


I feel so full, & sleepy. You have been sending me an avalanche. Right. Thanks.


Why would u say those words at the bottom? I'm overjoyed you did. I'm not knowing what they mean. I will keep them.



Re: ever wonder why

Hello @wordman 


Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I am sorry to hear that you also had little sleep.


I am very grateful also for the fact that you felt that my post where I tagged you was welcoming. You also mentioned that my words were sincere and full of hope.

This is a very kind and caring reply without judgement. You do not even know me and are treating me so respectfully.


I truly am grateful as I feel as though I caused more of a headache than help.


I will try to have the posts removed once admin is back on board.


@Appleblossom  was correct about my wanting to respect the person who created this thread.

It was more than that though. I needed to know that you also were not affected by the content.


You have replied and I am relieved that you can carry on here as you were.


 You can find me over at living with ourselves if you would like a chat elsewhere for a change of scenery sometimes.


Bye for now and take care




Re: ever wonder why

@maddison   Just to let you know i care.   You got letters from 'every one'.  Thats the avalanche .



As for mine.     A while back you sent a song from,  'Concrete blond'..,....  Something about....... short sentences .... Hope you remember it....    Its why put all my emotion thought and effort into what i send to you,

I hope you are as good as you can be, .... given the times.

I wish you peace,                                                                       tonys  moon base one


Re: ever wonder why

Little Conversations - did I send that to you?


It means the world what you said. Thankyou for being kind & caring about me so much. I don't remember if I ever had anyone like you to talk to before.


I don't know if there is a before now?


I care about you too. Only wish I could talk to you.... Like always.


Hope you are good. Peace to you. ... are beautiful @tonys 

Re: ever wonder why


Which ever way you sway.


My friend.