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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

Not much point @Melbcoffeesnob thanks anyway

Already stuffed up, will just go to bed early




Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

Sounds like a relaxing evening @Snowie, you have had a big week. Sending you a big virtual hug. 


Plan to watch anything on the telly before bed?

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

soemtimes everything is so hard. having so many complex issues is hard. i dont know whether its physical causing mental or mental causing physical. everything feels to tiring and hard and overwhelming. i feel like im being smothered by my own health and life around me

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

Hey @outlander 


I'm sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment I'm not doing that great myself. I wanted to reach out to you because I have similar problems and I can relate to what you are going through. 


What I've found helpful is keeping my mind busy doing stuff that makes you think about other things. Like I play word games, and puzzles, paint, knit, and go to the beach because it forces me to not think about the bad thoughts. 


Let me know how you go and if you find this useful 

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

I have always vented about a situation, as myself (lived experience) or as other half's (carers). It always seem to work. But now I am terribly horrified at the physical symptoms I am experiencing which I am so sure is a result of the current stressors/mental conditions but is so alarming that it feels like I am dying. what's even worse is that for decades upon decades now I pride myself in being able to *physically* relax - fake it til you make it etc. but now I have rehabilitating stomach pains that I can't explain. recurring throbbing stabby flashy headaches on an average of several per hour (before that it would be several per YEAR). Starving but can't eat solids, and feeling like vomiting every time I try some soup. Lots of urges to scream, and then when I do I don't care if the police come knocking on my door, but it no longer dissolve any tension! There's random pain at random places! I am fat and look like 6 months pregnant, and it's not even an exaggeration because I had lunch with a 6 month pregnant person and our torsos looked exactly the same! oh yeah, the holy sanctum of sleep which I used to enjoy so much (I hit the pillow and get knocked out until 5 mins before start of work) is no more. so yeah. help. I have nowhere else to express these concerns except here, because no health professional has my entire history here, and I literally don't have money to pay for someone to listen to this. I can't even tell any of my 2 friends, because one is literally dying of cancer, and the other is... well... suddenly noncommunicado. and why can't I tell my husband? he's the one that led me to the sane forums in the first place.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

Just spent the last 2 hours on the phone - and by that I mean trying to call someone who I said I would call back. Phone either engaged or rang out multiple times. So tried another number to get put through to that person after calling the given number for over an hour. That person has left for the day. How ridiculous - I said I would call back today as soon as I had spoken to my health insurer - they never once said they would be finishing soon. I find that really poor service - because I have time to sit on a phone all afternoon to try to get back to someone that has already left!!!!! That tops off me trying to get hold of someone at the same place both yesterday and today after they also left a message for me to call. But no - that person yesterday was also away from their office and did not return my call. Today, that same person had left for the day earlier today and not back until Monday. What kind of service are they running??????????? Two different people contacting for the same thing on 2 separate days as well so obviously there is no communication happening between people at this service either. To say I am p***ed off is an understatement - wasted my entire afternoon when I have work I need to do and now do not feel able to do that either as I have been sitting around trying to make contact rather than laying down/resting. To top that all off - the department has not approved my treatment. I will be covered with my health fund but I don't even know now if I can have the treatment because I do not know if any day(s) off will be covered - and the department has not bothered to tell me this themselves - I heard that from this place I have been trying to call back all afternoon. Just can't do this tonight. It is hard enough being in pain but now I have to deal with the emotional toll - and that is just too much at this point ...just don't care right now.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please

I feel so lonely lately, and don't get as much social contact as I really need. I have been working on my mental health and trauma healing without much support (apart from my therapist). It's hard, it's so hard. I hate it. I'm sick of dealing with it on my own. I'm sick of things coming up week after week that I need to address. I want a break, I keep getting overloaded with trauma stuff. I'm sick of this feeling of needing to work on it in secrecy. I just want someone to be there and get it and be emotionally attuned to what's going on with me.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away: No responses please