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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thank you.
I'm okay, I'm in hospital.
I think I might write down my worries and give it to my doctor- that way I don't have to say it out loud.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I'm really worried I'm an inherently bad person. I'm worried that this has always been the case and always will be. I'm worried that I shouldn't be alive. I'm scared.
Can people be born bad? With no soul? Or is it taken way from them?
Do I have a soul?
What is wrong with me as a person that I'm so bad?
I sometimes feel like psychiatrists are just examining you to calculate all that is wrong with you as a person. To tell you what kind of a failure you are.
But at least the night nurse is friendly- it's nice being physically close to someone else who is okay.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I have this feeling that everything is my fault.

where ever I go or whatever I do something always goes wrong.

i try and try to be a good person and do the right things but there are people in this world that want to make my life hell. I'm afraid that one day it will become too much and I will do something stupid 

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

hello @OCDadhd

i have read your post and feel that you are having some repetitive thoughts of not doing the right thing,or perhaps not getting things right.

Does it help if you ask yourself why you continue to feel that way with different events?

As in same responsive feeling but something totally different.

Have you spoken to a doctor about this concern because :

"I'm afraid that one day it will become too much and I will do something stupid"  is a very unpleasant thought to be having and needs to be heard by a medical person.

Please do that for yourself or if the feeling is happening more often ring lifeline 131114 just to talk it over. They are very good at listening and can ease your pain a little.

post again when you feel like talking.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi all

I worry my recovery will take for ever and I will never be able to return to my wife, find a valued direction and take action, become a well balanced mindfull respectful individual who lives up to family expectations and is engaging and supportive member of the community, I worry the work I need to do with ACT/CBT and all the rest of the stuff including not not limited to ways to use your VIA strenghts is all to bloody hard and I will slip down into dirty discomfort and self medicate, I worry my mind is tied of the constant stain to the daily perception "ever thing is ok" when the reality is quite the opposite.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hello @Matt12 it sounds like there is a lot worrying you from all different angles, it's normal to worry about these things and slipping back into unhelpful ways. Do you have a strategy for this if you do feel you want to self medicate again?

Perhaps recovery is your main focus right now and the others will be dealt with once you are coping with your mental health better, ACT/CBT takes time and it will get easier, just try to look after yourself in the mean time and do what helps you get through each day at a time. It's okay for things to not be okay as well.


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hello @Matt12 

Thank you for your message, it feels like you are brave to write this. I certainly have times where I  get like this myself. I do not have the writing skills that @Former-Member have: I urge you to read her message just before my message. 

It feels like you have a lot to think about, can we cut it down to the most important and focus on that one. 

They problems you write about are: 

Return to your wife.

be a mindful and respectful individual.

valued  direction 

Take action

be engaging and valued person in the community...

ACT/CBT work

self medication.

Phew. What a list plus there is more I havent written. I'de be overwhelmed too. 

Kind Regards, PeppiPatty

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

hello @Matt12 & @PeppiPatty

this is a great response for you.

not too overwhelming, succint and acknowledging that your feelings are real

all of us on here have been in a similar place as you at some stage that is why we are on here. We can empathise with you because of this.

we all use different approaches. i tend to write whole books.

main thing is you have made first step, you posted your message to us and please feel that you have been listened to and heard.

if you dont find the posts enough for you at the moment ring sane 1800187263 they will listen to as much as you want to tell them and give you some suggestions.

safe journey my friend 

big hug xx

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I worry that I'll never be a real person. I am realising that in a couple of months time one of the reasons I stay here will no longer be valid. I know once the other reason I stay is past I will be free to go. Most of my big reasons to stay are time limited. I feel sick thinking about next year. I can't fathom thinking about goals right now. Life is a battle do you have goals! There is so much in my head right now, everything feels it's all about to break. Talking about it won't help. I feel trapped in my own self indulgent mind. 

for anyone who reads this please honour the intention of the thread and don't respond. Please please don't respond 

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Former-Member, are you still in hospital? U ok
What a good idea having a place to dump our worries and walk away.
My worries:
- my son might have hidden depression
- I've rui ed his life
- my D1 will never come home
- rhe world is about to fold in on itself
- my nightmares will come true
- my perception of reality is so distorted I don't even know it.
- God might give up on me
- I might die and be eaten by ants before found.
- etc