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Re: Walking for Wellness

You're doing well @Oaktree 

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi Everyone


Just got back from my big trip. Spent many a day reaffirming my love of walking. All five senses switched on, but also plenty of times to get lost in my thoughts and reassess my feelings, memories and beliefs. And to relish in the experience of just plain connecting.


I also thought of this forum on many occasions. Will definitely be continuing to be in touch.


I hope you are all well. And have been hitting the pavement too…even 5 minutes is worth celebrating!

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi @Delicatessen 


So glad you enjoyed your big trip and the walking adventure. I took my husband down to the park for a walk today. First big walk after his knee surgery. He didn’t get quite as far as I thought he would be able to go but it was a good first walk. Going to try and take him for another one tomorrow!



Re: Walking for Wellness

A bit tired tonight. I walked twice. The second time I picked up 195 pieces of litter - that's a lot of bobbing.

Re: Walking for Wellness

I try to get through a regular mark in my steps each day, with my work some days I can barely manage half that.  I also find that I am getting to the gym far more regularly which is also very beneficial.  I tend to do a minimum run, and that is primarily dependent on how long I have at the gym or how good I am feeling when I start.


I sometimes I go and do a bigger run which is usually when I have a day off work so I can make it an enjoyable and invigorating run. Usually after the run I work in a weight session so that I am working all my major muscle groups.


(N.B.  Edited to remove distances and targets as this is not allowed - sorry if anyone was offended by the work rate but everyone is different, and we all do what we can)

Re: Walking for Wellness

Well done @Arbie_wun but we're usually discouraged from quantifying times and distances.

Today I walked twice again and picked up another big bag of litter.

How are you going @Oaktree ? 

Re: Walking for Wellness

Hi @Dimity 


I am doing well, walked miles around the Perth Royal Show yesterday. Going to start walking for one foot forward on Sunday.


Well done on your walking @Arbie_wun 

The moderator’s will bounce your post when they notice it. Sane does not allow distances or lost weight.


Kind regards,


Re: Walking for Wellness

@Dimity ... I have amended the post thanks, I am used to having to deal with the setting of targets and quantifying results due to the nature of my work and it has become a bit of a habit.  I was also an athlete as a junior so I am also used to measuring output this way as well.  


Glad you are doing your bit to make things better.  I do that when I can, generally my walks are out in the forest that isn't too far from home.

Re: Walking for Wellness

@Oaktree .. thanks for the heads up, I altered the post to make it more appropriate.  I have to remember that not everything requires the full information.  


I am sure you had an enjoyable time at the show too... I do miss the fun and frivolity of the carnivals which are all around this time of year normally because of the lovely weather.

Re: Walking for Wellness

Well done @Oaktree 

@Arbie_wun yes I've tried to work with targets for myself too and they kept me going in the early stages.  I also think that what you put in largely determines how beneficial it is and influences whether you can keep it up eg starting small but regularly helped me. It's especially important for some of us struggling with sideeffects and illnesses associated with particular classes of medication. I feel so much better now. So I've asked if it would be possible to allow some mentions provided they're associated with a trigger warning. Well done on your efforts and keep it up.

@tyme @moderator I hope I haven't transgressed in this post.