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Never being in a relationship

Re: Never being in a relationship

how does anyone deal with this extreme sadness and longing? how does any one manage it? its so painful and heartbreaking I just feel so empty

Re: Never being in a relationship

@rav3n @tyme @Ru-bee @lostNclueless @Jynx 


The main issue I struggle with is relationships. I dont think any woman finds me attractive, desirable, or even sees me at all. I feel like I dont exist around them. I tried two dating coaches to help who both ripped me off and never actually seriously thought of my feelings or considered how I felt. This is the main issue I deal with as I believe there is a whole world out there that exists that is completely inaccessible to me right. I believe this is due to me living in an age where men are expected to do everything and take the lead and all that and I really struggle with that particularly as I have ASD/ADHD.

Re: Never being in a relationship

hey @TheRenegade345 i can see how much that sadness is weighing on you. relationships can be tricky to navigate, especially when you factor in mental health challenges. you mentioned that you don't think women 'see' you and a lot of what you mentioned was putting yourself down. have women ever said that you are 'undesirable'? or are these assumptions you've made? 

wanting a relationship while having a negative view on yourself makes the process much more difficult.

do you know about core beliefs? my psych was talking to me about it, core beliefs are made during your childhood and as you grow up, you sort of naturally try to find proof to support those core beliefs. e.g. if your core belief is 'i am lovable/attractive', then when someone rejects you or perhaps doesn't show interest, you are more likely to think 'oh i guess we're just not a fit, but i'll find someone else'. while if your core belief is 'i am unloveable/unattractive', then someone not finding interest in you might make you think 'i'm not worthy of love, no one wants me, i must be ugly', etc. 

from what you've mentioned so far, it seems like maybe you might have some negative core beliefs about yourself, and it might be further contributing to how sad you feel around developing relationships. for my social anxiety, having those negative core beliefs makes things like rejection, being ignored, being excluded, etc., makes it much harder to deal with - but when we work on changing those core beliefs into positive ones, it makes it much easier to deal with those overwhelming emotions.

does the core belief stuff make sense to you? not sure if i've explained it well. we can talk about ways to change those core beliefs as well if you're interested. 



it's really great you've got your guitar playing. hold onto those things. doing things that you're good at, focusing on developing skills, spending time on hobbies, etc., are great ways to focus on yourself rather than others. you should always be pouring love/care in your own cup.

Re: Never being in a relationship



I have never had a woman say I am undesirable but the fact that they put so little effort in me is testament to how uninterested they are in me. There are men out there who put so little effort in and get so much more out of it than me. There are men out there who get away with cheating, manipulation, and responsibility/accountability and still have women lining up for them. I dont do any of that and no-one puts any effort into me.


I have heard of core beliefs. I have been working on them for over 10 years now and it still doesn't help. I want to just have more practical solutions and support on this issue and I dont know where else to turn. I feel so angry and upset all the time. I feel so frustrated and alone all the time. I HAVE TRIED SO DAMN HARD AND ALL I KEEP HEARING FROM OTHERS IS TRY THIS AND TRY THAT AND I HAVE DONE ALL OF THOSE THINGS FOR YEARS.


There is no support for single people because no one cares about us and the assumption is that everyone just gets into relationships. The standards that women have now is through the proverbial roof right now that only the top 1% of men can get there. Do people want to know why more young men are turning right wing? Because the left has abandoned them and keeps telling they are all predators and terrible people. 


I need so much help on this stuff but everything is inaccessible, expensive, or I am just not capable enough no matter how hard I try.

Re: Never being in a relationship

i can see that you're quite angry and frustrated with the lack of effort from women. you are allowed to feel frustrated, it's okay. i want to help you get those answers.

i do have some things i can share from a female point of view but i want to first check with you to see if you're interested in hearing it or not - completely okay if you don't want to.  

also sort of practical solutions are you after? @TheRenegade345 can you give me some examples?


i find what you say about the dating game really interesting, i actually had a conversation with my male friend about this a few weeks ago. he too was telling me about how hard it was to find matches on dating apps and how he believes women have it easier when it comes to dating than men. i shared my point of view and we both realised that there were soooo many factors we never even considered for both men and women. i'm happy to share those factors with you if you think that would be helpful? these factors won't necessarily solve anything but it can help answer some 'whys'.

Re: Never being in a relationship



I think I know what you are going to say about the dating game and I dont deny it is hard for women. I am not necessarily saying that women have it easier. I am just saying there are factors that affect men that no one acknowledges or even cares about. People just dismiss it and accuse you of being an incel when you bring it up. If you are not confident or have asd and adhd, your chances decrease significantly. There is so much pressure on us leading but sometimes we want time to grow too. That is never afforded.


I want ways of getting better at talking to women, to being more successful on dates, to actually have women make an effort. I have tried dating coaches in the past but one was very unhelpful and the other scammed me for a lot of money. I want ways of fixing this not vague platitudes and cliches. I am trying so hard but I know people who have put in significantly less effort than me and are married and have a happy thriving relationship when I cant get anywhere.

Re: Never being in a relationship

firstly i do want to acknowledge that i know that there are challenges for men in the dating game too. i 100% agree that it's not easy. @TheRenegade345 

there are challenges unique to men and women, and i think there's definitely a societal expectation that men lead/ask the women out, etc. i also do see that the dating game is changing, maybe that change is more for people in their 20s & 30s, but i do see that women are starting to initiate more than they used to (just to be clear - i do think men still initiate more overall). 


unfortunately i am finishing up now, but i'll be happy to talk more on Friday evening. the things i was going to share were some challenges/factors women consider when dating men - i think if you know these challenges/factors, it'll help you with approaching them. and i also want to make it clear that not all women are the same. some prefer a man to pay for the first date, some prefer 50-50. there's no set formula/rule but i can definitely share some tips next time i'm on - feel free to tag other mods to see if they're able to share dating tips in the meantime as well. 

Re: Never being in a relationship

@rav3n @tyme @Ru-bee @lostNclueless @Jynx 


I cant anymore I cant do it anymore this world is so unfair and I dont have any way of fitting in or forming a relationship I cant stop crying I. need help. cndjsncdsjkncdsjkncdjn

Re: Never being in a relationship

@TheRenegade345 hey, I am really concerned about you!! You mention in your post above that you are 'making plans' and this worries me greatly. I'm going to flick you an email to check in ok? Keep an eye out. 

Re: Never being in a relationship



I just dont have any hope and I am currently reaching out to services and no getting any responses. I want to see more support for single people but there isn't. I feel lost and I feel like no one gets me

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