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Re: Moving forward

Do you ever feel like this @TAB?

Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member. yes YOU can move past it. It's not easy. It requires work - with a therapist or someone you trust.
You must acknowledge that you are worth it. We know you are. You just need to acknowledge what makes you you. You are so strong. You have survived so long. This shows you want to live. Now you need to focus on just that - living.
There must be things that you enjoy. What are they? Sitting in the sun? Listening to music? Whatever it may be, do more of it.
Some days are bloody awful and it's hard to struggle through. Other days you feel better. You are not dragged down by memories or self hate. That is part of feeling better.
An anniversary is hard to go through. It's painful and can drag you down. But remember. It's been 3 years.
You are a survivor. And I'm glad you survived.
Sending you a big hug. You are not alone

Re: Moving forward

@Teej wrote:

This post is going to be all over the place. I don't know what I hope to get out of posting it. Part of me knows I'm looking for a magic wand and part of me knows I'm just feeling really confused and want to have some light shed on what I'm feeling. As I just acknowledged on another post it is 3 years to the day that I tried to take my life and for the past three years that still fills my head so much. I'm trying to talk myself into moving forward but I always still keep coming back to the darkness. There are so many questions I have right now.

do you ever get past thinking about ending it?

how do you start living for you and not for others? 

Is there ever a point where you move on from just surviving?

how do you ever feel like you belong on earth?

I know I am supposed to feel like I'm moving forward but on days like today it doesn't feel like that, it just feels like an old record is playing in my head. It makes you think that you're kidding yourself that anything will ever change. 

I guess my biggest question though is what does moving forward feel like?

ah @Former-Member.. closest I ever got was wondering 'why bother waking up' a few times

I don't know if I am doing much but surviving

I don;t ask re whether I belong

I tend to live to much in 'now' good or bad to ask myself stuff like that

When things get really bad, fear seems to get me moving. It has it's uses I guess

and for the last one, best I can do is feeling safe, mostly happy well mostly not unhappy

I guess I don't ask too much of myself and the world except not to feel like crap all the time, having somewhere to live, and something to pay bills with, food etc

No, I'm not a monk, just lazy I guess, and have no dependents

and yes, had a friend who died a few years ago, and it may have been self inflicted, but I don't know if it still has that much of an effect on me. Had sorta said goodbyes ages before, I do still think of them from time to time tho

Re: Moving forward

Thinking of you @Former-Member.  I agree with all of what @utopia says.  It's been 18 years since I survived (just) and I still can't really talk about it, sorry.  For me the biggest thing has been simply knowing I could never put my child through it again (they were 10) and knowing that many days are just about filling in the hours, 1 day at a time as they say - sometimes it's 10 minutes at a time.   And many hours in one therapy or another.  

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Re: Moving forward

Thanks @utopia,

i think that I've tried to talk myself into doing the things that make me feel ok but then I feel guilty because I'm not doing things that I should be like house work or parenting better or looking after family. It always seems to be 1 step forward, 1 step back. I know there are so many others that go through this as well. Thanks for your response. I know deep down I have to just have to get through these days. My therapist keeps telling me that everytime I don't act on my impulses it helps to rewire my brain. My brain is always a how and why brain which doesn't help my cause. You are helping me to find strength to keep going 💜😊

@TAB Thanks for your response. You know it helps sometimes just to see others thoughts on it. I think I wish I had a little more of your 'it'll happen' attitude and way less of the overthinking everything💜😊

Re: Moving forward

Am happy to talk any time you need @Former-Member.

Re: Moving forward

.. @Former-Member I overthink often, just on a more nuts and bolts level maybe,. I stress out often and stress out at inaction, but more day to day stuff maybe


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Re: Moving forward

 @eth. I didn't expect you to respond because I know it triggers you a bit. Thank you and I really hope I haven't triggered you in any way. I didn't know you had as well, I'm sorry that happened for you too. I guess I was learning to ride the wave better but just wondered if it ever stops. I know you are having a really hard run now too with the low amongst other things. I guess you sometimes go through this too. Thanks for responding but please don't ever feel like you need to if I trigger you. I know you're there to support me and am grateful for that 💜😊

Re: Moving forward was a good day for me though @Former-Member, did not much, but was more relaxed about it, ok maybe that was a bit more 'it'll happen' ..

Re: Moving forward

It's ok tonight @Former-Member.  I wanted you to know you are not alone in this.  Some days are better than others.  I don't feel triggered now but earlier tonight I read a post on another thread that brought up a lot of what I went through at the time in detail (i.e. same hospital procedures etc) so maybe that prepared me to open up a bit.  The best advice I can give is to be patient and gentle with yourself.  In some ways I wish I still had the busyness of parenting at home as that was my main focus for the years after, just trying to be a better parent.  I didn't always do a good job of that, complicated by having undiagnosed bipolar 1, but my adult child and I are now good friends with wonderful communication and trust.