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Re: Weighed Down



Wow what a bucket you gotta carry.

I totally dig the whole catt team thing. Those guys tell us to call if'n we need help but really they are just an acute assessment team. 

It took me awhile to figure out who I could call.

The teamat Beyond Blue  are very good. 1300 224636

I don't know what gender you are but if you are male The Men's Line is good too, 1300789978


The beauty of these services are you don't have to give a name. You can tell them anything because you'll never have to meet them.

They too are able to recommend services.

On the subject 

You don't need a diagnosis to access them. They will let you tell them what's going down and you decide what their role can be.

I'm not into group stuff, myself. Just shites me to tears. I don't want a bunch of other people sitting around waiting for their turn to talk.

it's good for some 

not me 


The problem most of us have is we feel isolated. Then by golly we isolate ourselves cos we feel that way. It's a vicious  cycle.


But keep the those ph numbers.

If you'll call the catt tean when you are in crisis 

well why not call a line where they'll actually listen to you and they will get that you might be confused about what you want. They just listen.




Hope endures

