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Re: The toolkit

Hi @CannonSalt - I have gained many tools from Cognitive Behvioural Therapy (CBT) but like you, I reckon I have come up with a number that are pretty 'original' too. If the single silver dial is not 'enough' of a controller (and when I am full flight hypo it is not) sometimes I use an entire mixing desk console - like the ones from music concernts - treble, base, lights up, lights down, turn off the back mich etc. Smiley Indifferent

mixing console.jpg

I love the trouble bubble you described, will pop that into my toolkit too. Thank you!

I have a boat that I pile full of my troubles, worries, anxieties and (in my minds eye) people who have harmed me - and I send it out to sea and let it slowly sink beneath the waves, then purposefully go on to do something I enjoy. (To get rid of the intrusive thoughts and be freed up enough to do something nice.)



Re: The toolkit

@AlienBP2 - I haven't seen you around the forums for ages, you travellin' okay?

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