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Re: Let's talk DID and dissociation

Thank you for articulating all this so well. It is wonderful to hear someone else's experience is so similar to my own.

Re: Let's talk DID and dissociation

Please keep attending therapy. It sounds like the Psychologist is validating you, so at this stage, that alone is worth attending.

I truly understand the resistance to a diagnosis of DID. My wise Psychotherapist (also a Psychiatrist and Obstetrician so very experienced), told me that she hates to label symptoms with a diagnosis as it so often interfers with therapy due to patient resistance.

This resistance so often is coming from the fear of stigma associated with mental health. When it comes to telling people that you have DID, I think DID is up there as one of the worst!!!

Due to MPD and the myths and misunderstandings around it, this has made being open about DID, until you yourself have accepted, educated and understood that it comes from a place of extreme childhood trauma, you cannot expect others to "get it".

Let's be honest, ten years down the track, I am pinning my symptoms on everything possible. !!!! Of course, confirmed DSM5 Diagnosis is vital for all the obvious reasons but it should not be forced upon a client. You need to travel your own road with accepting DID and effective therapy can take place without a client fully accepting the Disorder.

Re: Let's talk DID and dissociation

This is what has happened. I told someone kind of some of what's in my head and now it's not happy. How do I stop this because I can't live with this does anyone know