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Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Hi everyone,

As some of you may recall, SANE recently asked for people to respond to a survey about images that depict mental health and illness. The survey has since closed and we are crunching numbers. We are looking forward to sharing the results in the not-so-distant future.

In the meantime, to co-incide with Mental Health Week, we want you to show us how you want mental illness to be depicted.


This is your Mental Health Week mission, if you wish to accept:

Upload an image showing how you want mental illness to be depicted. In your post with the image include -

1) Why you picked this image

2) Whether the image is your own or 'borrowed' from the internet (which is fine!)


Some of the favourites will be used as our SANE Facebook page (with your permission).

For those who are not sure how to upload your image - look for this this icon when you click 'reply'

Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 7.44.34 pm.png

After pressing this, you can 'browse' and upload your image that saved on your computer.

We are really looking forward to seeing your images.

*please ensure images are not identifiable(eg: front on face images is obviously identifiable, though an image of hands is not)


Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

I'd like to be cheeky and put forward two of my own images for consideration.

The first is called "Going Home" and I think it visually represents the way I feel different from the mainstream comunity and how a high proportion of people with mental illness possibly percieve themselves to be looked at in that way by the greater majority of the public. 


The next is called "The Long Journey" and I think in a simple way it shows my separation from community and my extreme longing to be a part of a community again.

The Long Journey Home.jpg

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Lovely pics @Pooh_bear
Did you say you took them yourself?? They are beautiful shots. Whereabouts were they taken??

I don't really have any pics to get across what I feel represents MI, at least the only idea I had involves a pic of me, so therefore a no-go.
I think so many people (meaning neurotypical people) fail to understand that we (MI sufferers) are "normal" people much of the time.
My idea for a pic is two photos together. One is a happy photo for me, it's of me and a group of friends on a camp-out we had over ANZAC day weekend up at a farm. The other, I don't have a photo of, it's a memory. I week before the happy pic, I was curled up in bed in the middle of the day, with a t-shirt covered in red after a SH mishap.

The fact of the matter is, for me I can come across as a happy person. I can even come across as a confident person (in the show ring). But while I can do that, I also have down days where I struggle to get out of bed. Where I struggle to live.

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Thanks, @Crazy_Bug_Lady !  Yup, they are mine, I use photography as a form of therapy and meditation, it's become my saving grace and an all consuming obsession! They are both taken not far from me, the first one was taken at Christies Beach in Southern Adelaide and the other was taken not very far from home, so I won't mention the suburb.

I like your idea of a photo-montage, with the two personas present. That's very strong imagery.

I have the same ability to present strongly in public, when in reality it may not actually be me at that point in time. For some reason I have to present as 'normal' to the outside world. One day I'll get to the bottom of it and cease that play acting aspect of myself.

Wishing you an enjoyable weekend, whatever you are up to.

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

@Pooh_bear that's amazing!! I live N.E of the city, I've never been down to Christies, may have to one day. I love the countryside more than the beach though. I love it around the Adelaide Hills.

Currently hiding inside where it's cool today. Managed to (sort of) clean my house today. Up at the farm tomorrow, it's gonna be hot. I am freezing bottles of water ready for the day.

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Beautiful images, @Pooh_bear. 'Going Home' is extraordinary. Your image justaposition description is very powerful, @Crazy_Bug_Lady.

I also can come across really confident though I've struggled to leave the flat I live in for the past several years. When I do go out I try to be as upbeat as I can, hopefully I'm still real in some ways. Artistic expression has been a major part of my life in the past and probably again in the future, mainly music and media.

Here's a Creative Commons image I found on the net. Creative Commons is a licence that means you can share the image freely (but not commercially) as long as the person who created it is credited. This one is called 'Bipolar', not really a submission, just something I found quickly and relate to.


Jessi RM - Bipolar (source: Flickr)


Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Thanks @Mazarita
It has been such a relief in the months since I joined the forums Family here. Finding out that I am not the only one who can come across as confident, or even just come across as "okay" even tbiugh we are struggling.
I'm having one of those days where I just want to gather you all up and have a massive group hug.

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Yes, group hugs all round. Heart 🙂

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

@Crazy_Bug_Lady I used to live in the inner NE of the city (Hillcrest), until moving down here to live with my partner and her boys. I love the countryside, but it's hard to get out there without a license. I've never had one, but am going to learn to drive over this next year or so. There are lots of places in the Adelaide Hills and beyond that I want to get to photograph and the only way that's going to happen is if I get my license!

I spent the afternoon cleaning at my mother-in-laws place, tomorrow, I'll be a lounge lizard, inside where it's nice and cool, watching an X-Files marathon!

Enjoy your day at the farm and try to stay cool.

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Thanks, @Mazarita.

I've also only just started to leave the house after several years of being housebound. I've had several artistic loves through my life, from music, to theatre, to DJ'ing, to drawing/sketching and photography. Learning guitar is next for me as a part of a music tuition program put on by MIFSA.

I love the image you found, it personifies 'Bipolar' perfectly.