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Re: Experiences around Study and Mental Health: What have you learnt?

Hi @tyme and everyone


I am currently doing the CERT IV Peerwork course and have also done some excellent courses through the South Eastern Sydney Recovery & Wellbeing College (all their courses are free, you just have to live in their area).


Have learned a lot from these courses, as they say, the more I learn about myself, the more I know myself.  One of the more interesting things that eventuated from doing these courses is that they were telling us how research had indicated that people respond in certain ways to events, I, however had responded in a completely opposite way and was backed up by three other people in our small group.  The lecturer was quite taken aback that his research was being disproved but has included our response in following lectures.

I guess what I am trying to say, is that research has its benefits, but we are all unique and will respond in our own individual ways.  CERT IV is going well, have learned a lot, but sooo much writing to do.  Well thats about it 🙂

Re: Experiences around Study and Mental Health: What have you learnt?

Absolutely @Asgard . And no one has a right to disprove or disregard your experiences. Experiences are yours to own. What you learn from them is another thing, but yes, we are all individuals and no one fits perfectly within a box 🙂


Thanks for sharing!

Re: Experiences around Study and Mental Health: What have you learnt?

Thanks @tyme 


You make a whole lot of sense as always.  Have you ever thought of lecturing in Mental Health issues, I get the feeling you have a whole lot of wisdom in that head of yours that should be tapped.  🙂