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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I had a good day at my volunteer job, and no dreaded decluttering on work days which is a relief! 😄


Am out this morning for a Covid vaccine and grocery shopping, then hoping to do my 15 minutes this afternoon on the kitchen bench again. My friend said she is definitely coming this Friday, so that's good motivation as I need to clear the work surface. I don't think I will get to that box I brought out of the shed before she comes, but I will make that the first box we tackle on Friday. It's a box of papers 😣


I also bought some more dresses, so need to decide which of my old dresses to get rid of (one in, one out). I can do that this week, before Friday. 



@Dimity wrote:

I managed to get some stuff done yesterday and today. It wasn't very productive as it was mainly sorting.

I think that sorting enables us to later process things. It's necessary but doesn't have the satisfaction of getting things out of the house. Good luck today... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover @Dimity it took me ages to give things away


I wanted to give away a dvd player and put it on the street but couldn't access one of the cords which was still stuck deep behind the tv. I put it on nature strip and someone took it without the cords. Maybe they have their own!!!


Where i live lots of people walk by so nature strip stuff goes in 2 minutes!!! I also put out 3 pots and an oil burner. Last i looked the little oil burner was rejected and no one wanted it but people took the rest. Got to check if its still there lol.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm so glad your friend will be able to help you again @NatureLover .I admire your discipline with the wardrobe.  I'd tried to avoid buying clothes for several years but have had a bit of turnover recently as I've lost weight.

Yes, the sorting was necessary. I also listed some of the boxes to help me prioritise.

Hope you achieved your goal today. I'll try to do a bit more before bed.



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done on your efforts @EternalFlower . I hope you won't miss the goodies you've given away, but it's nice other people will appreciate them.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity  - somehow I find it easier to get rid of clothes than anything else, although I guess it's all a bit hard. 



@Dimity wrote:

I also listed some of the boxes to help me prioritise.

What do you mean, "listed"? Do you have a list of what to work on?




I ruined my habit-forming by not achieving my 15 minutes yesterday, or even my morning routine of tasks, due to depression. Feel discouraged and am wondering whether the 15 minute plan is realistic, or if it would be better to psych up for a big day of the dreaded decluttering say once a week. Was depressed yesterday and today - I think because am not eating well, no fruit or veggies. Hope to eat better today and hopefully make it in to my volunteer job later... 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover it's hard being depressed. No energy or motivation, lots of negativity and self-doubt, and without self-care things just slide and get worse. I no longer sleep 12 hours a day and I'm getting more done, so I'm thankful. I agree fresh fruit and vegetables are important.  I buy smallish quantities twice a week, I used to lose track of what I had.

I break my decluttering habit frequently but I I begin again. And again. Obstinacy probably.  Determination perhaps. 

I made a list of what's in the boxes i have in the livingroom at the moment. Not detailed,  just a couple of main headings. It will help me choose what to work on. I'd forgotten some of them. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your understanding post, @Dimity . It's a good plan to pick myself up and start the habit forming again the next day. My friend's coming today and we'll be working inside on the house mess plus starting the boxes from the shed. 


Work helped to pick me up yesterday and I don't have as much depression today, thankfully. I got a salad roll from the bakery as a treat yesterday and also as a source of fresh veggies. Today I will get some fruit at the supermarket. 


How many boxes of stuff did you pick up yesterday? 


The list of the boxes sounds good. I usually write on the box what's inside, like "Kitchen Bench" and the date I filled the box. However in a big pile you can't see all the scribbles on the top of the boxes, so a list is a good idea. 


Good luck today...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm glad you're feeling a little better @NatureLover . I didn't pick up any boxes yesterday. I've dropped everything to help someone in crisis. 

Did you have a productive session today?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity wrote:

I've dropped everything to help someone in crisis. 

That's so kind of you @Dimity . Does that mean your helper didn't come yesterday?


I actually ended up cancelling my friend yesterday. I couldn't face having anyone in my house, due to my OCD (germophobia). I have to do so much cleaning and rearranging, both before and after someone comes. My germophobia clashes with my hoarding disorder, and sometimes one wins, sometimes the other. It mostly depends on how high my germophobia triggers are that day /week. 


So this means I have to tackle the kitchen bench myself, this weekend. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Sorry to read that yesterday wasn’t so good for you @NatureLover hoping that today is a bit better and you can get some cleaning/tidying/sorting done. 💕