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Re: A new start (kind of)

Cheeky buggers aye @TAB

Re: A new start (kind of)

Bed here too @MDT 


Avagoodone 🙂

Re: A new start (kind of)

always try and get private landlord and remember its a Game @MDT  lol

Re: A new start (kind of)

Evening all
Had an okay-ish day at work
Have flogged the horse as much as I can for the roster situation. That's been the hardest part. It's meant to be shared more.

Couple of colleagues seem to be suffering from boredom and childishness.
Got sassy comments from a colleague about my work efforts.

Really starting to learn to have more self respect and compassion for myself. Particularly in this context of work. This job has been testing me a lot and I think its fair to say that I've actually learned more about myself through it all. Some of those lessons can't be articulated. I think its just experience and it translates across to a raw feeling.

My anxious mind has bordered on the paranoia. Where I have gone so far as to establish intent and action behind small tiny things I see. I'm just applying my analytical mind to it too much really.

To rise above the mediocre crap that I see as nothing other than a hindrance is actually really easy. I know what I need to do in this role and I just gotta do it.
I need to put away the idea that "probation period is everything". It's not.
Even I left or got kicked out - I accept it. But it doesn't colour my abilities or attitude.

Also I can't keep reflecting on experiences. Treat them as the water under the bridge that they are.

One thing this new role has taught me us how empathic I am. And hey perhaps that is a sign I need to switch to something else. But that's a lesson learned in time. And I have time.

I'm on the way to chat with sister. She needs my help and I need hers. We are siblings and we help each other. Both of us have come close to death in our own ways. Life is too fragile to be wasted on things I can control. I must be authentic.

See how the floodgates open and in comes gushing so many good things. Gratefulness is a powerful antidote for temporary suffering triggered by minimal experiences in highly specific areas.

@TAB @Former-Member
@Appleblossom @Shaz51 @StuF and others

Re: A new start (kind of)

Re: A new start (kind of)

Thank you for your inspirational post @MDT - I can see you immense growth as a human. Despite the challenges, you have really pushed through. And yes, your empathy shows.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Thank you @tyme
The trick now is to maintain healthy thinking and not to dwell

Re: A new start (kind of)

I love to read this @MDT 🙂

Re: A new start (kind of)

hi @MDT that is truly amazing how far you have come over the time i have known you, i remember things really used to get to you and you let things take it's toll on you. you are right live and time is finite and we need to use it wisely, you have grown so much. i am so glad you have your sister to lean on, for me i am an only child so i will always be alone and have to rely on myself for support. cherrish your sister and remember how lucky you are to have her. wishing you all the best with work. i hope it works out for you.

Re: A new start (kind of)


All of it has a part to play: the reflective part, the empathy and analytical parts, the 'do not dwell' part.  It has been good knowing you over these years.  Colleagues are often non collegial, sometimes its competitiveness, or venting or just a bad day. Deal with the direct comments internally or without as you come to decide.  We all want to be loved but there is a pretty short supply out there in the hustle and bustle. Make the most of it in the places you find it.


Hey @Jacques Love to you too. You are empathic like Hams, and so many other qualities as well.