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Re: A long rave

Hoping your appts went well @Exoplanet im glad youve got some loveley supports. Im sorry to hear about the passing of the fello.

Afternoon @Mazarita @eth @Appleblossom @greenpea @Faith-and-Hope and everyone ( im sorry i cant remeber what everyones said! Having a brain fog but i hope your all well)

Hello dear @PeppiPatty rave away tour sounding both frustrated and upset which is understandable. Im sorry your family is ao hard on you. I can understand that too. Can be really hard to deal with but your doing the best you can.
Keep going with your studies esp if its something you enjoy. Find the things that give you inner peace.
Is that your little dog in the pic? He/she is pretty cute

Re: A long rave

At my friend's place. Sunny and very windy day. We were out on the back porch for a while and it was almost a gale. Half expecting a branch of a tree to come flying past.

Did the hour trip on the buses to get here. It takes 7 minutes by car. Lol. Lucky I enjoy getting out on the buses. Will be catching the last bus home soon.

@PeppiPatty, my heart goes out to you about your relationship with your mother. I am sure studying formally at this time of my life would make me feel stupid, especially at first. But @outlander says it so well - the main thing is that you enjoy it. ox

Just at the bus stop now. Gotta go. Best afternoon to everyone. ox

Re: A long rave

Dearest @outlander

YES! This is Arlo when I picked him up from someone's home, he was very ill and had very long hair....he is very spoilt now!!  here's a photo when he started getting fixed up.....

How are you @greenpea?


patchwork dog.pngimages-3.jpeg10275352_871495699596177_4290571684851045305_o.jpg

Re: A long rave

Do I know the story about facilitators @Mazarita......

I used to belong to a wonderful group but one of the facilitators was weird and ........too many times after the group had ended and I left quietly, one of the coordinators would call me apologizing and ...........yes yes, I realise that too many people had times of mental ill health and Other unmet needs but it began I was the one taking all the unconcious problems out........

Do you know what I mean ??

Re: A long rave

sooo proud of you my very special friend @PeppiPatty HeartHeart

Hello @Faith-and-Hope, @Mazarita, @outlander, @Appleblossom xxx

Re: A long rave

I have mixed experiences with facilitators, @PeppiPatty, but the art group facilitator is fantastic. She got me drawing, quite a nice picture it is too. A miracle. I have never been someone to draw before (usually just colour in). Wasn't any good at it at school so just gave up on that. She's changed my mind.

But I left a mental health support group because I felt the facilitator was shutting down people when they tried to speak. He kind of monopolised all the talking. Another group I haven't really warmed to the facilitator but I think it's just that she's a different kind of person than I usually spend time with. That can be a good thing, spending time with different kinds of people than we are used to. So I may go back to that one.

Hi @Shaz51@outlander@Faith-and-Hope@Appleblossom@eth@greenpea and everyone. Hope today has treated you kindly and that the evening is peaceful.

Re: A long rave

Hes really cute @PeppiPatty

Re: A long rave

@PeppiPatty  Aloe is gorgeous 🙂 I have a thing for staffys, pugs and french bull dogs. I would love to have one of those breeds too cute.


Staffys are a walking smile Image result for staffyImage result for pugs

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita that was an important about facilitators. 

We have the right to our own feelings and responses to them, can observe behaviours, but be open to move from a comfort zone ... if we are in one... and a personality is fair but different from the ordinary.  

I stretch myself with people, but I am getting to the point where I am also tired of being the one doing all the stretching ... eg in choirs ... any groups ... so getting grumpier ...deary me.

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, my favourite dog in the whole world was a staffy cross red heeler. She was a totally brilliant lovable dog, now passed sadly. She belonged to friends who loved her to bits, totally their baby. I met here when she was a really hyperactive pup who just loved everyone and would jump and lick and rocket around. Then she mellowed with age. I remember sitting out on on the top step of their back porch with her, just the two of us. I had my arm around her and the two of us just sat side by side looking out at the bush and sky. A special moment. I felt safe and calm with her. I love how you say they are a walking smile. Woman Happy

@Appleblossom, I try to stretch and trust that other people are stretching for me too, even if I can't see it. But I'm easily put off in some ways too. I would like to be more at ease with other people. In some ways I am probably too appeasing. In others, probably too rigid. We are who we are, at least for now.