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Re: A long rave

@Mazarita It must be comforting to know people in the class have been there and done that. Everyone knows so you dont have to explain, make excuses etc. we don't have anything like that where we live unfortunately. I wish there was. Nice it is so casual too. No pressure to create Michael Angelo works of art.

Re: A long rave

Yes, it is easier to be ourselves with anything at this mental health centre, @greenpea. It is a relief. Some odd behaviours we have too at times, lol. I too love that there's no pressure to perform. I probably wouldn't have lasted this long if there was! What a pity there's nothing like that around where you are. Have you googled to make sure?

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita 'odd behaviours' .... oh dear god yes I have them when I am not properly medicated .... I cannot say what they are but they are odd lol .... yes I have and there are a few for carers meetings (which I could go to and the ambos suggested) but nothing to mi patients .... this may have changed I should check again.

Re: A long rave

Ah, what a pity, @greenpea. Maybe the carer's group could be good. I tend to be a bit weirdly shy when I'm not faking extroversion, lol. I like that I can just be the way I am really. I was excrutiatingly shy when I was a child, to the point of paranoia.


Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Plovers!!!! I heard plovers flying overhead.  Do you get plovers where you are?

Re: A long rave

I think C has mentioned plovers, but I wouldn't recognise those birds, @greenpea. I wonder what they look and sound like. We have bird song here now too and a fair bit of light in the sky.

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita They are a insane bird. Cranky as hell. This is what they look like.


Re: A long rave

Ah yes, I think I have seen those birds around. There is a lot of wetland (or filled swamps) around this area. They are not a common bird in my sightings though. We have more rainbow lorikeets, currawongs, magpies, seagulls and others like that. We have sea eagles occasionally over the beach. @greenpea

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Sea eagles how stunning 🙂 I love our bird life in Australia. Even the old crow gives me joy when I see one 🙂 Oh btw still raining here so I am heading back to bed for an 1hour before I have to get son2 up. Talk later and have a great day Maz xxxx

Re: A long rave

Cool chatting, @greenpea. Nightie night in the morning. ox