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Re: A long rave

Thanks, @outlander. My horizons are quite limited due to my fears. I live very locally, almost within walking distance of home for most of it, except when I go down south about once a year (which involves a lot more than usual anxieties). It would be nice to go back there though. C goes out that way to get organic food every weekend. At least there is the beach very close. Have to get myself out on it again very soon. I guess I'm hibernating a little, even here, because of winter. It got down to about zero around here last night! Bet it's much colder where you are though.

Re: A long rave

Winter is a slow month @Mazarita but maybe when it warms abit you could go with C and have an outing?

Hmm it got down to 3 last night. Its snowing alot further south but we get the icy winds and sometimes sleet.

Re: A long rave

Brrrrrr, sounds chilly, @outlander. The days here have been sunny and mild, but a bit chilly in the flat. Still, we don't use the heating very often. Usually just rug up. Also the place is small and warms up from just the two of us being here with our warm bodies, and the warmth from the cooking, in the tiny kitchen, which is only divided off with a high bench from the main room. Hope you have some good heating where you are though.

Re: A long rave

My pop and i have a heater in our rooms. Our house is super hot in the summer ( where outside is usually cooler) and then cold in winter (where outside is usually warmer) stupid isnt it.

Its been raining here and really windy. Weve had some sunny days though thats usually when i try to get a load of washing done

Hows tomorrow looking for you?

Re: A long rave

hello @outlander, @Mazarita HeartHeart

very tired , going to bed now , have not been sleeping well since saturday when mum was put in hospital 60 kms , kept waking up through the night thinking I hear the phone ringing

mum might need surgery again for bowel obstruction ,they are trying other treatment first before surgery

then also my MIL is going in for her second operation on her eyes

Re: A long rave

Goodnight @Shaz51 I hope you sleep well. Im not surprised your not sleeping all that well with the added stress.

Re: A long rave

Hugs, @Shaz51. A lot of family medical issues happening around you. Sending kind wishes for everyone's wellbeing. Hope you can find some relaxation amidst it all. Some deep breaths might help. Sleep well tonight, I hope. Heart 

Ah yes, @outlander, that reminds me of places I lived down south, with no insulation, so really not good for the weather inside the house. Tomorrow I have an outpatient's appointment at with a gynacologist at the hospital. Irregular result on a recent ultrasound. No symptoms though. I think it will be okay, though naturally a little anxious.

Re: A long rave

Its rather annoying i wish it was cold in summer and warm in winter but im not that lucky lol @Mazarita
Oh that sounds abit scary, id be nervous too. I hope it goes ok for you. Sending my love ❤

Re: A long rave

Thank you, @outlander Heart Woman Happy

Re: A long rave

Another wakeful night. 3.45 am. This time I haven't got into the video, though I had an idea for a new one after the one I'm making now (waiting on stuff from someone for that). And I wrote a poem on the 'writing as therapy' thread. And been chatting on the forum. And not tired. And powerfully reluctant to go to bed, as happens. I'm a bit scared of going to sleep tonight because of the three-time dream I had last night and this morning, scared it's going to happen again. And other stuff keeping me from my bed.

Maybe I'll get to sleep at first light, as is often the case when I'm awake at this time. It kind of tells me I'll now be awake until then. Luckily my outpatients appointment isn't until the afternoon. I think I don't want to sleep partly from anxiety about that too.

Well, that's enough of a rave.

Sweet sleep and rest to those who are doing that. Heart