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Re: A long rave

I usually pair the socks when I'm hanging them out, @CheerBear. Incredible that I would have a tip on housework, but that's what I do. Then when I'm bringing in the washing, I roll them together into little balls. Then it takes me a while to get them into drawers. 


Have a good one, CB! Can't wait to hear what colour your hair is when you've done it. Heart Woman Happy

Re: A long rave

Hi @PeppiPatty i seen your around.. how are you today

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander, I just saw the images you posted for @CheerBear's hair. Wow, they look amazing! Woman Happy

Back from the physio now, cleaned up my room a bit. Very tired and strung out on 3 hours sleep so taking it easy this afternoon.

How's your day unfolding?

Hi @PeppiPatty, I got your like just a little while ago. How are you today? ox

Re: A long rave

Hi Mazy
It would be a pretty goodhair style to have.
I havent been doing much. Just finished watching thr midday movie- bloody hopeless. Why would you go into a basement if you knew a killer was hiding in your houses basement. Duh stupido. .
Othet than that just taking a look around and seeing if theres any newcomers i can help or if anyone needs a hand while im online. Ill be heading out to feed a horse soon. The property should be quiet so i dont have to deal with people.

Go you physio and cleaning! @Mazarita a restful arvo sounds good to me. Will you be doing your video?

Re: A long rave

@outlander, I know what you mean about movies where they do things like that, hard to have faith in the storyline really. Smiley Frustrated Cool that there is not likely to be stress with other people when you do the horses. I may do some video later. I'm a bit too tired even for that really. I may even end up having a nap, though if possible I'd like to avoid that so as to get to bed earlier tonight. Physio was good, she worked on shoulders and upper back and then did some acupuncture. It was my last of 5 free appointments referred for me by my GP. Wish it went on longer really, it's been very helpful.



Re: A long rave

It always reminds me why i dont normally watch tv lol. @Mazarita

Yeah im hoping its quiet. Alot of people there just stare at me as i walk past and when i say hi they dont really say anything so i like to go there when its quiet.

Perhaps you could still go to the physio but make it a monthly thing then it wont break the bank so much just put small amounts each week/fortnight. Itll be worth it if its helping you.
You havent had much sleep so im not surprised your not up for much. Maybe a movie you like while just chilling would be good for you

Re: A long rave

If only I could concentrate on TV, @outlander. Except for Star Trek and occasional other shows, I find it hard to sit still and my mind wanders a lot. Usually I end up on the computer. Thanks for the idea about the physio. My finances are going backwards at the moment so I'd be hesitant to spend more money just now, but it could well be worth it. Or else, I can go back to her just if/when I have flare ups of problems. I feel for you when you say hello and get nothing back from those people. They're not worth worrying about. But I do understand how things like that do worry us. I'm really sensitive to stuff like that too. Hugs. Heart

Re: A long rave

Oh im hearing you there on both lacking concentration and finances.
Maybe medicare could offer some more rebates ( not the free ones but just cheaper) i have a pension and it takes abit of the price off as well. Worth asking about if thats something your considering.
Yeah or just go back when flare ups.

I just stop saying hello now. I just do what i need wait in the car and then leave. Im probably seen as rude but i get the look when i say hi as if im interuppting a convo thst people can hear anyway as they are talking loudly.

Maybe some colouring in would help?

Re: A long rave

@outlander, thanks for the suggestion. I did colouring in at art group yesterday. I do like it but it's hard when I'm very tired like now. In fact almost everything is hard except being here and chatting or being asleep, lol. My actual mood is okay for now though. I think the physio has a slightly cheaper rate for pensioners but I am pretty sure I am not eligible for any more Medicare rebate for the physio. She gave me some good recommendations and advice though, about how to manage some of this stuff better on my own. I will be going back to my beach walks soon, but only once a week. I'm pretty happy though that I will be able to get back out on the beach. I have missed it so much. 

Re: A long rave

@outlander, I think I'm going to have to nap. Thanks for chatting again. Hope everything is smooth when you do the horses. Heart