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Re: A long rave

@Faith-and-Hope, that sounds like a relatively restful day for you after a big one. Hope you get some relaxation and peaceful feelings in it. Smiley Happy

@outlander, ah yes, how lovely, I shall do my best to be an adult with you (at least some of the time, lol). I have got myself dressed and groomed now. Just a few more things to do and I'll be ready, way early. Smiley Happy

Hi super @greenpea, great to get your greeting this morning. Nice that you have a mild and sunny day. We have just started a wet patch here, rained all night I think, overcast and moist is the best description for today so far. I have an umbrella packed for when I go out (what a girl scout, lol). Smiley Happy

@CheerBear, ooh, I wonder what colour you are going to do your hair now. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

I have an inherited nail condition @outlander where my nails grow awkwardly, are paper-thin and tear into the nailbeds very easily ..... so I have found acrylics solve the problem, but they need regular maintenance because the way my natural nails grow tends to make them fall off / get knocked off easily if I don’t .....

Re: A long rave

Whats your plans for today? Hows your beanie coming along?

@CheerBear fresh is good 😊 ooh i usually go purple or a maroony colour however since it has blonde in it the maron often gets orange streaks 😣 what colours are you thinking?
Hoping your appt goes well. At least little one will be amused this arvo.
Haha someone has to do the adulting in this house though i would much rather not be doing it 😋 hows your blanket coming along?

Re: A long rave

Hi @greenpea 👋💕

Re: A long rave

Lol @Mazarita nothing wrong with being a big kid too! I think my pop covers that nicely though 😉

Re: A long rave

Ahh i see @Faith-and-Hope at least youve found a goodish balance. What colour nails are you getting? I have good nails (surprisingly!) And quite enjoy my naturally white tips

Re: A long rave

Have a great day Mazzy xxx @Mazarita. Did I read you were having some blood tests?? I have head mine this morning was a fasting one ... hate those having to wait for my morning coffee. On my 3rd cup of coffee already so am feeling fine now.

Re: A long rave

Hey @greenpea! We must live in very different places as we seem to have opposite weather a lot. It's cold and windy here today. My pot plants are falling down 😐

Ouchies @Faith-and-Hope.

My choices are purple, pink, red, green or blue I think @outlander and @Mazarita. All bright shades. I would love to be able to put them all in together but I need an extra set of hands and maybe eyes to do that. My blanket hasn't happened for a while @outlander but I'll take it to the break place and try there maybe ☺

Re: A long rave

I have already been out for blood tests and now will settle down to doing some knitting 😛 it is going a bit holey (and I dont mean religious I mean it is full of holes which I will have to hide ....).


This is what I am listening to atm feeling really hyper!!!


Re: A long rave

Haha, @outlander, funny how we can sometimes get more childlike as we get older. My mum (82) is also like a big kid, very naughty in some ways (like mother like daughter), but also a lot of fun at times. Smiley Tongue

@greenpea, no blood tests for me today, though I did the fasting for a couple of ultrasounds I had done a little while ago. I hate fasting for any period of time. It's physio I'm going to today. Morning without coffee is hard work. Smiley Happy