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Re: A long rave

Not too long today @Mazarita. I have a couple of extras in bed (one two legged and one four legged) wanting cuddles and warm so I'm still in bed.

Hope sleep is good for you when you get there again ❤

Re: A long rave

Still here, @CheerBear. I've been surfing the internet. Drink is only half drunk. It sounds cosy where you are. Woman Happy

Re: A long rave

It's so cold out of the blankets @Mazarita but it is cosy in bed. Littlest woke a little while ago shivering and cold, then Noodle cat came along a bit later whining at me for pats, so everyone was a bit snuggled up.

Have you found anything interesting in your surfing?

Re: A long rave

I'm reading in more depth about my medications, @CheerBear. Trying to get more of an in depth understanding of them. 

Re: A long rave

When is your next psychiatrist appointment @Mazarita? I think I'd be feeling pretty over it with the med change tough times by now 😞

Re: A long rave

It's another three weeks away, @CheerBear. I'm still trying to be patient with what is going on. It's only been a week since I stopped taking the anti-p. I would like to be in a better place before too long though. 

Well, it's time for me to head towards bed. I heard the first birds a little while ago. It's gone silent again for now. Enjoy your morning. Heart

Re: A long rave

Good Morning :)Good Morning 🙂



Re: A long rave

It's good to hear your feeling just that little bit better Mazy Heart @Mazarita

The local fence contractor should come today for the quote, I'm really hoping they'll be the one I choose. I have officially finished 1, 50 mt roll of netting, I've connected the second roll & will begin clipping it up today {unless my head has troubles knowing somebody will be coming today . . . then I'll start it tomorrow}. The local young lad dropped of the last of the wood yesterday & I just recieved a text from him this morning (I think to make sure I noticed he'd dropped it off as I was out walking the dogs when he came). I've got a new routine with the staffie when we go walking, I let him run free as we walk into the forest but when I turn around to come back, I stop somewhere along the line & put him onlead - that way I don't have to worry about him running towards the highway, it's working really well 🙂

Lots of love to you Mazy Heart

Re: A long rave



 Feeling for you feeling for your little one @CheerBear HeartHeartHeart

Re: A long rave


Showering you with love @peppipattyShowering you with love @peppipatty
