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Re: A long rave

Goodnight @PeppiPatty 😴😴💜💜❤❤

Re: A long rave

Up again in the middle of the night. This time I've had about 5 hours sleep in a couple of chunks since 8pm last night. I wonder if there's anyone around at this time, maybe @Maggie? Hopefully everyone is sleeping really. But I'm here for chat if anyone's around...

Re: A long rave

Morning @Mazarita and anyone who may be floating around. Wondering if you're still up Maz? Hoping for you that you're in peaceful sleep though.

Re: A long rave

Morning @Mazarita@CheerBear. 🙃🙃💕

Re: A long rave

@Maggie, I hope you got some sleep or rest overnight. Heart

@CheerBear, fell asleep again after my last post. Good night's sleep here really, though I might even get some more before being up for good today. Smiley Tongue

Re: A long rave

Yes some rest @Mazarita. I don't think I'll ever sleep again, but rest is good. Your sleep is improving, very good news. Do you have any plans today, after another few hours that is???

Re: A long rave

@Maggie, that would be so hard to live with. Feel for you with the lack of sleep. Yes, there is improvement here, at least for today. I have a GP appointment in the late morning. Haven't seen her for a while. It will be good to discuss how my physiotherapy sessions went, and a couple of other things. Any plans for you?

Re: A long rave

Well, back to bed I go, hoping to sneak in a little more sleep...

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Missing our all night convos .... have to do it again soon 🙂 @Maggie Darling Maggie Heart hoping you are doing okish this morning @CheerBearHow are you CheerBear? also hoping you are doing well this morning @outlander haven't spoken to you for so long will try and catch up today 🙂 @PeppiPatty Hiya PeppiPatty how is your morning going? Well I hope and @Sophia1 A new avatar! I wil have to take a better look :). Wishing you all and all that pass a beautiful and sunny in spirit day lots of love greenpea 🙂 xxxxxx

Re: A long rave

Nighty night @Mazarita. I hope your GP app goes well. No plans today, my neighbour might drop over for a coffee with her two large pups!!!! Always a welcome visit and chat, in between chasing pups!!!