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Re: A long rave

Sorry was driving @Mazarita ive just got to the horses. One of the feeds needs soaking for a few minutes.

She sounds really helpful and im glad shes helped you. Knowledge is key i find.

Hope you have a good nap will probably catch up with you later ❤

Re: A long rave

After reading @Mazarita and @outlander messages to each other, I just thought I would like to have a long rave but I. Might start another thread called another long rave.....


Re: A long rave

@PeppiPatty your most welcome here. You can rave as much as you like.
Im here listening ❤

Re: A long rave

Evening everyone ☺ Hoping the night is going OK for all.

I paired socks and then attempted a colour mash in my hair after seeing those pics @outlander (though I went less 'pretty' looking and more 'wild' looking I think. I chose three neon colours, one being pink @Mazarita. It's definitely the most out there hair I've had. I'm now looking at it half thinking it's pretty great and half thankful it's winter and I can wear a beanie if I want 😉 Just wanted to share as doing the hair thing was the highlight of my day today and it was fun chatting about it here this morning ☺

❤ to all

Re: A long rave

Hey @CheerBear, yay for paired socks and neon hair. Awesome. Wish I could see it. Heart

Re: A long rave

Haha @CheerBear go you! Wish i could see it im sure youve made quite a wild look after your description.
Thank god for beanies hey 😉 as long as your happy with it
I quite enjoyed that chat too 😊

Re: A long rave

I took a photo to send to someone and at the time really wished I could have posted it here too @Mazarita. The kids like it lol.

How are you going tonight?

Re: A long rave

Thanks for the colour inspiration @outlander! It would have been all one colour otherwise I think. 💗

Re: A long rave

Your more than welcome @CheerBear seems like you had fun and its a bonus your kids like it. 


Did you try to do the baylage? 

Re: A long rave

Cool that the kids like your hair too, @CheerBear. I can't imagine what it would have been like to have a mum who coloured her hair such groovy colours. It would have been fun! I'm going okay, at a loose end really but trying to go with the flow of not having to always be 'productive' or 'doing something'. Trying not to feel panicked about my own boredom, lol. Seinfeld is on TV. A classic show.


Hi again, @outlander  Smiley Happy