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Re: A long rave

Aaaaah! Female Friendship can be as difficult to negotiate as all the other relationships.  Working out those boundaries, and reciprocal listening and support ..... I have given them a big a break except friendships on this forum.  If I move more socially I will be very careful and only share my story if they have earned it.


Weary Sigh re lockdowns .... I am fairly lucky in that they do not greatly effect me, compared to many others, but sad I do not get to see grandson and my 2 choirs have cancelled again.  Did a choir zoom last night but its not the same.

love Apple

Smiley Happy




Re: A long rave

@eth I am sorry you have lost a friend Hon but we do need to rid ourselves of those toxic people when it has such a massive imapct on us. I whole heartedly agree - it doesn't matter what anyone else is going through, they can still treat people with compassion and respect.  It is unfortunate you have also lost the opportunity to present at the MH conference but sometimes we need to weigh up our mental wellbeing with what going forth would achieve.

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth me too with again being away from the forum a lot more. Doing something out of the home every weekday now, already starting to grow to more than one activity on some days. Last week's lockdown was actually a nice and restful break, but glad to be back doing activities this week.


As with @Appleblossom and @Zoe7 I congratulate you on making the wise decision with the friend who was venting their anger on you. I get how difficult to also let go the conference project. Really good on you for having the strength to act on your wisdom with these things.


Great to hear your friendship with your writing buddy is going well though. I get the sense that this friend may not be as close or intense as the one you've let go. I've come to really value the long but maybe less exciting and overtly intimate frienships. Lower key friendships have sometimes become the most long lasting and meaningful for me. Your writing together with this friend is a rare and beautiful thing to share.


Love to you, @Appleblossom@Zoe7 and anyone reading. Heart

Re: A long rave

Hello @Zoe7 , @Mazarita , @Appleblossom , @eth , @Anastasia , @Oaktree 

Been doing some catchup  here and sending you all lots of hugs ❤❤ 

Soo much going on here , sometimes  I don't know what I am doing 


Re: A long rave


Learning about friendship these days.  Putting myself out more. Have changed from always being the listener, to talking more.  No longer such a people pleaser.  Who would have thought with all my education it still took me to be over 60 before I realised how limiting than part of me was.  I never knew it existed, but now its all over the net ... lol ... well better late than never ....  There are no guarantees I guess, but finally am holding more to my right to some dignity and no longer feel the need to submit all the time.  We live and learn.  


@Anastasia @Shaz51 @Zoe7 



Thinking I should be doing the same.  More daily activities would be good for me too. At least alternative days ....

ALways good to hear from you.


Re: A long rave

Go you good thing @Appleblossom 

Need to take a leaf...trying 


Re: A long rave

@eth @Mazarita @Appleblossom @Shaz51 Love to you all and all passing through here Heart

Re: A long rave

Good morning to all who pass through here  @Mazarita @Zoe7 @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Anastasia @Oaktree @Adge  and to those who've tagged me recently @MDT @Former-Member  and also to those from last night's peer chat about Lockdown ... @Mex @Snowie @TideisTurning @Former-Member @Otter @victorymarch (can't get your name to show in the drop-down box)

There are many more people I send my best wishes to and I'm sure you know who you are - so many close ties that I've let slip in recent months.  Forgive me - offline life has just been taking up all the spoons I have every day.

Will go now and read individual posts to catch up a bit, but if anyone who knows me is around it would be lovely to have a chat.  

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita @Appleblossom @Zoe7  I really appreciate your responses re friendships.  Some good advice from each of you.   Hearts   

Re: A long rave

It's lovely to see you @eth 💙💜

Thank you for saying hi. 

Hope life is being kind to you.

Sending you love ❤️