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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Awwww geee .. you are such a thoughtful friend @Anastasia .  Yes you were in my pocket all the while I was away. Although sadly, I had to ditch you while actual treatment because I had to strip off and put on a stupid gown.  No pockets in it. ๐Ÿ˜”


Yes a lot of feelings upon arrival home again.  Hubby got away an hour or so after I left this morning.  I spoke to him a little while ago and he and his mate have arrived at their destination safely, all checked in and resting.  So thats good.


So yes, I can now do what I want when I want.  Eat what I want, or not.  Rest when I want.  Freedom !!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

What a lovely arrangement of flowers to come home to.  And the little doggy treats look pretty scrummy too. ๐Ÿถโœ”

Arent you clever sneaking in like that while neither Holly nor I were looking.  Mind you, her being very deaf would have helped you a lot. ๐Ÿ˜ต  She has been very clingy since I got home, and is watching out for "the boss" (hubby) to get home now.  She will settle down once she realises he isnt coming home today.


Yes I'm okay thank you.  I think the stresses and busyness of the past few days has hit me a little, and I have kind of fallen into a bit of a heap this afternoon.  Feeling very tired, headachy and teary. My brother rang me a while ago, to check how I got along today.  He is a thoughtful fellow.  How I wish life had treated him a little kinder than it has.


My appointment tomorrow is 10am, so I dont have to leave until 8.30am tomorrow.  The nurses and technicians etc were all very lovely today, and they explain everything they are doing and why.  The actual treatment doesnt take all that long ... the actual zapping only takes about 10 mins while they are out of the room in safety.  Hey, take me with you! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Doesnt radiation cause cancer? What about keeping me safe too?  Pardon my sick attempt at humour. ๐ŸŒบ


They did an initial xray today to start with, before the radiation therapy.  And will do so again tomorrow so they tell me.  Probably not again until near the end of treatment. I think they use the xrays as a comparative or monitoring thing.  After my radiation treatment tomorrow I have an hour long appointment scheduled with a radiotherapy nurse.  They will discuss with me the likely and possible side effects of treatment, and give me tips on how to deal with them.  They told me to let them know immediately if I experience any concerning effects at any time, no matter how minor they may seem.


How are you feeling this afternoon?  Do you think a days rest has gotten you to the point of being able to get back to work tomorrow?  Have you had a chance to do some more of your Diamond Painting?  How is your Boy?


For info @NatureLover ๐ŸŒป


Emelia ๐ŸŒธ

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 glad today went ok


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Some flowers for getting through the first day of treatment and a cuppa to help you relax @Emelia8  ๐Ÿ’–

Well done for getting through the day. 
You might not feel it, but you are very brave and strong. 
I hope you can rest and have something easy for dinner. 





Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Glad to read that today went ok for you @Emelia8 and so nice to have the house to yourself 

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thank you @Snowie @Former-Member @Bow  ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒธ


I have a lovely array of gorgeous flowers delivered here today, thanks to you @Former-Member and also @Anastasia and @Former-Member .  For info @NatureLover 


Yes got through the day.  I dont feel brave or strong though.  Some patients you see there at the cancer institute, awaiting their daily radiation therapy, are so very ill.  They are the brave ones ... turning up each day and fighting for a life they still wish to live  And here am I sitting amongst them ... outwardly fit and healthy ... and feeling like a total imposter.


I havent even thought about dinner ... I dont have to .. hubby is not here.  And I'm really not hungry.  Perhaps later?


Emelia ๐Ÿ’ž

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi @Emelia8 

I'm glad today went well. I'm sorry I didn't post earlier. โค๏ธ

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thats okay @BlueBay ๐Ÿ˜Š  I know you are going through a difficult time right now.  I didnt want to bother you.

Thank you for your well wishes.  I wish I could give you a new mother, a job you can enjoy, and a home free of noise and hustle and bussle. ๐Ÿ’ž



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I am happy to hear today was not so bad and went well. I hope you are resting now. Sending you hugs hugs @Emelia8  

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

You said: "So yes, I can now do what I want when I want. Eat what I want, or not. Rest when I want. Freedom !!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š" This is good! Grumpy headband f/t work,vyou could do without it a while. Falling in a heap is perfectly understandable. You Rest up. Glad you have little Holly there. They are blessings ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›