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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

You are a 🌟 @Emelia8 well done!


Thank you @Former-Member 🌻💐

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8  Hey sweetheart sounds like a relaxing kind of day. Weather here cool and cloudy (just the way the pea likes it). Please take some time out for yourself wont you. Love peaxxx ps: hugs and cuddles for Holly.

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Glad to hear Holly is doing better @Emelia8 

Sounds like you have got things ticked of your list today, well done hun.


I hope the rest of your day is going well 💜💜

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi @Mellysmellyelly Yes I replied to you, as soon as you wrote that - Re: Mystery Shopper.

Maybe your Notifications were not working - As you never read my Reply.


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I see you @Adge (((hugs))))


Hey @Emelia8 are you ok? I just have a feeling?

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi @Former-Member  and thank you for the lovely good afternoon pic you posted here yesterday.  Loved it.

Yep, my little Holly's wounds appear to be healing up pretty well, and she is not in anywhere near as much discomfort as what she was.  Reminds me that I need to phone and make an appointment for her to see the vet on Friday. 


My own surgical wounds had healed up well, but the radiation has stirred things up again unfortunately.  In fact its sore all over now, not just the scar line.  The whole breast is very tender and sore, from inflamation.  And the skin reaction from the radiation ... yes the nurses were right ... it is getting redder, itchier and more blotchy.  But it will settle over the next week or two.  And I have been using the special ointment as advised.  Hopefully it will prevent it getting too much worse and will also stop any infection.  Yes ... I am maintaining a good amount of fluid intake.  Very important, as you quite rightly point out.


Looks like you are planning on leaving Brizzy today to start your return road trip journey.  Glad you have had a couple of nice days with your Son.  Are you catching up with your friend today before heading off?  Safe travels.


Emelia 🐶💓🌼

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Dear @BlueBay 


Yes thats right, I am slowly ticking a few boxes that I need to.  A good feeling to know I am actually accomplishing something.  Holly seems pretty much her normal self now, which is great.  I have my work cut out keeping her from doing more than she should. So thats a good sign.


Very true BB, talking to my Dad each day is precious.  I expect @Anastasia would agree with that, after having had time away last week with her Dad.  I'm really sorry BB that your mother manages to prevent any meaningful interaction or visits between you and your Dad.  Its very sad.


My Dad had an apt yesterday with a surgeon, who was to remove a nasty skin cancer from my Dads forehead.  He was a farm worker most of his life, and so was out in the hot sun (unprotected) every day.  And he has fairly fair skin.  So he has dreadful skin as a result, many skin cancers removed over the years.  He has a couple more now which are causing lots of difficulties.  The surgeon was to remove them yesterday.  But she said it will need a skin graft.  So it didnt happen.  Instead he is booked into the hospital for the surgery and graft to happen there.  Although it was marked as urgent, it could be 3 months before he gets it done.  He is very disappointed, and very unhappy about having to go to hospital.  He has had grafts before, which took really well.  So hopefully this one will too, once it happens.


@Anastasia ... Hi there.  I'm okay, just feeling very flat, tired and irritated.  Hubby had an appointment at his GP this morning at 9am, but when we got down there they said it would be at least an hour and a half wait.  Some emergency or something apparently.  Too long to wait around, so we came back home.  About to head back in now though.  Would have been nice to know before we went in.  Could have been a less rushed start to the day. Oh well, hopefully we wont need to wait too long this time.  Are you working from home today, or back to the office?  I hope work yesterday was not too much of a shock to the system after your week off.  How is your boy and your son?


Emelia 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Dear @WIP 


Thanks for your message the other day here.  I have been thinking of you too, and little Levi.  Holly and I have been having lots of loving cuddles, although with all her stitches its a tricky thing to do.  Carefully does it.  


I'm thinking of you today as you process the issue around your new psychiatrist not being able to take you on as a patient.  I find it unfathomable that its happened like that. You didnt say, but was she able to offer an alternative pdoc, or suggest that she can see you for a short term while you await another pdoc?  Would your psych be able to help?


Emelia 🐶💓

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Oh Em, I am so sorry to learn of your Dad. I would imaging that you all would be very concerned waiting three months!!! I hope something gives to enable it to happen for him sooner (fingers crossed)


I'm not surprised you are feeling very flat, tired and irritated.  That is frustrating especially when a simple phone call should have been made to save you the trip. Grrrr. You have just reminded me to call mine, thank you! Good luck this time, I suspect perhaps you are back on your way. Hoping you are in and out and get what you need (again, fingers crossed)


Yes I am working from home today, I did this as I needed to be here for my boy. Today my anxiety is through the roof and I am not being very productive. Praying my boy is ok and gets through his day as my inner sixth sense is telling me that it won't go to plan. I have more work than I can poke a stick at and all I want to do is throw the towel in and get my boy better but I know it's time and I can't not work indefinately. 


Love you @Emelia8 


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi @Anastasia ... glad you are able to work from home today.  Takes a bit of pressure off you I hope.  Any news on how your Boy is doing so far?  It would be such a relief if everything goes to plan.  Sorry to hear about the huge amount of work you have at hand, but hopefully you can get through a fair chunk of it from home and without interruptions.  I expect it may seem like a quick and easy solution to chuck the towell in at work, and concentrate purely on getting your Boy better and in a more stable place than he currently is.  But it would only be a short term solution to one problem only, but would open up additional long term problems for you in the process.


Thankfully the GP was on time for the second attempt ... and we were not kept too long this time. All done now, and got the necessary scripts, referrals and blood test authorities in hand.  So thats hubby sorted for a little while.


Yes Dad has had a problem with this particular cluster of skin cancers for a year or more.  His GP has burned or frozen them off numerous times, but they keep coming back bigger and more problematic each time.  Clearly they are deeply imbedded and have their little feelers in there.  And being on his forehead, just above his eye, it is constantly getting knocked and that makes it really sore for him.  So I too hope he can get in to have it out, sooner than the mentioned 12 weeks.  My fingers are crossed also.


So ... did you call your GP, and do you have the results from your heart tests from some 10 days ago?  Hope you can get your anxiety at a reduced level in order to make some progress on your work commitments. Love you more.


Emelia 💞🌼🌺