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Let's talk about hugs

Hi all,

@CheerBear and I have been having an interesting discussion about hugs and we thought it would be good to start a thread about this to hear other people's experiences.

I find the amount of hugging that goes on in the forums quite intriguing. I have a complex relatiionship with physical touch. For me, hugging is something that only feels ok with people that I feel super safe with and thus I find it interesting how freely hugs are handed out around the forums. When someone "hugs" me in the virtual world, I experience the same physiological reaction that I would if they hugged me in real life. Thus, if they are someone I feel super safe and comfortable with, I get the "warm fuzzy" feeling that is produced by the hormone oxytocin being released in my brain. Conversely, if it is someone I don't feel that level of comfort with, I get the uncomfortable you-are-invading-my-space feeling.

I am curious to hear if others have a similar experience to me, or whether virtual hugs are experienced quite differently to real life hugs??? Smiley Happy


Re: Let's talk about hugs

Yay thanks for starting this @Phoenix_Rising 🙂

I'm on team hugs-for-all here, though I am realising that there are people who may not want or like them so I'm a little more careful with them now. I like hugs here, maybe because here I feel safe and often more myself than I am outside of here. I'm definitely more open in the forum than I can be with other people outside of the forum, so maybe with that comes being more open to other things too. I don't know.

Outside of the forum I am someone who does hugs well with some people at some times, but also someone who can definitely be triggered by any type of touch. It all depends on things like mood/person/place/time etc and often ok turns to not-ok without much warning or obvious reason, so I kind of keep my guard up just in case.

Looking forward to hearing from others too!

Re: Let's talk about hugs

Hey @Pheonix_Rising
I find hugs super comforting but only with the few people I am most comfortable with. I don't freely give out hugs IRL. However I feel like saying 'hugs' online is a form of someone trying to comfort another as most people do find hugs comforting? I also find physical touch comforting, like last week when I was having a dissociative episode my support worker held me and put her hand over mine and it helped.

Re: Let's talk about hugs

I'm on team hugs-for-all here, though I am realising that there are people who may not want or like them so I'm a little more careful with them now.--- me too now @CheerBear 

Hello @Phoenix_Rising, @STORMGRL101

Re: Let's talk about hugs

Team virtual hugs for me. I relate to @CheerBear when she says:

I'm definitely more open in the forum than I can be with other people outside of the forum, so maybe with that comes being more open to other things too.

To me, virtual hugs means something much lighter than a RL hug. More like a way of conveying caring feelings, here in words. Like the use of emoticons. Maybe they too are just ways of communicating caring feelings on the page...

Re: Let's talk about hugs

@CheerBear I am also more open to virtual hugs. Real world hugs are definitely a no no for me, a total invasion. One friend spontaneously did give me one, only one, as she said it was like hugging an ice block.!!! I freeze.

Re: Let's talk about hugs

Hi all,

Hmmm...well @CheerBear it sounds like people relate to your experience more than mine. Phew, good thing I've had 40 years experience of being the odd one out. Smiley LOL

I recognise that my way of experiencing virtual hugs reflects some of my muddle around attachment and touching. It's not weird or anything, just different. I super love being part of a community where different is so ok. Smiley Very Happy

@STORMGRL101 it sounds like in real life we are alike - hugs are super comforting but only from a few select people. Like you, I also find physical touch comforting (though again, only from certain people). The fact that (A) got over her no-touching rule and is now ok with resting her hand on my back for pretty much the entire session is the thing I value most about her.

Re: Let's talk about hugs

Hi @Phoenix_Rising,

personally I'm not much of a hugger, but I secretly wish I were. When I see people giving each other hugs when I am out socially, it makes me feel good. I think "Oh, how nice. They care about each other and are not afraid to show it." I especially like how young people, these days, are not self-conscious with members of the opposite gender and are happy to hug each other, without worrying about how it looks to other people. 

When I was a teen, I would have never hugged a boy, unless I liked him romantically! It seems silly of me now. 

So, I think cyber-hugs are lovely and a nice way of expressing warmth to the other person. No, I don't object to someone who hardly knows me giving me a cyber-hug. It does not feel like an intrusion. I always feel that the expression is well-meant.

Within my family, we weren't really ever hugged, once we left infancy. I can't remember my Mum hugging me after about 4 years of age. It might have happened, but I don't recall it. I did not hug my sister or my brother, either. 

So, although hugging looks nice, I find it hard to initiate. I think most of my friends are aware of this and don't push it. We usually give each other a quick kiss on the cheek.... more like an air-kiss, but the intention is good. Smiley Wink




Re: Let's talk about hugs

Interesting topic.

Real hugs - for me feel "too intimate" to have with anyone I don't have an extremely close relationship with. Romantic partners yes, immediate family ok if I haven't seen or won't see them for ages. Too uncomfortable with friends, although I will offer a hug if a good friend is upset. Side note - apparently it's weird to ask someone who's upset if they want a hug instead of just hugging them...? Too bad, I'm weird.

Online hugs - not as uncomfortable as real hugs, but still needs to be someone I've got a reasonably close connection with. Or the comfort boundary can stretch a bit if I'm sad/lonely and someone's being nice.

Not applicable

Re: Let's talk about hugs

Real hugs are so weird to me because I get these horrendous intrusive thoughts which are weird as fu$k and then I think people can read my mind so cyber hugs are great because I don't get the thoughts! Whilst real hugs freak me out most of the time, I am absolutely fine having hugs with the residents at my work (dementia care nursing home). Maybe the nursing home hugs feel ok because they are actually totally real, and the other hugs freak me out because they are a little forced and awkward...