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Recovery Club

Casual Contributor

tips for self-care

I've found it helpful to work for 10 minutes and rest for 10 minutes


Re: tips for self-care

Hi @Marulu1 


Thanks for sharing this tip! 

Re: tips for self-care

Hi @Marulu1 

Self care is such an important part of our lives, especially when we are living with mental illness.

Your suggestion of doing 10 minute blocks is a great one. I am glad you have found something that can help you.


Are there any other types of self care that you do?


I find going for a walk, journaling and watching tv some ways that I self care.

Re: tips for self-care

Hi @Marulu1,

This is a great tip! I've heard that we lose some concertation after 20 mins, it's important to refocus around this time. you're strategy would help with this. 

Re: tips for self-care

One thing I do is to feed my curiosity. I’m ravenous for new material - books, videos, streaming, museums.


Topics are endless; new recipes, updates on the natural world, tid bits and more about history, art, trails to explore, contemporary thinking and more.


I’m prepared to explore, but keep most thoughts circling in my head (I don’t share most things). And I love being challenged and discovering I might need to think about things differently.


Maybe one of these might be of interest?

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