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Mental illness and menopause

I was wondering how do others on here cope with menopause and mental illness.

I am sure (no positive) that I am going through peri-menopause (50 yrs old) and I find that my moods and depression is 100 times worse when I'm at that cycle.  I get very upset and angry and can be very snappy at the drop of a hat.  

So how do others cope? Do you take supplements with your anti depressants? 

My regular therapist who I've seen for 5 years knows exactly when it's that time of the month because of my escalating moods and depression.

Any thoughts??


Re: Mental illness and menopause

Hi @BlueBay,

I'm in menopause now but I found I was more like what you describe in the peri-menopausal phase. I didn't take any supplements during that time but my moods have stabilised a lot more since then (whether that's due to coming into full menopause or other factors is unknown). I don't notice any extra mood symptoms (aside from usual bipolar) now that I am in menopause itself. I've been told by my GP that anti-depressants are often prescribed in the first instance to deal with some of the issues of menopause - hot flashes, for example. I do get hot flashes even though I'm taking an anti-depressant (along with other bipolar medications). So I'm guessing the symptoms I'm experiencing are not as bad as they otherwise might be. I don't find them to be a really big deal, just that I run hot and cold a fair bit and sweat more easily than I used to. I think menopausal symptoms are probably different from one person to the next but I think it's a good idea you started this discussion as I find it's not something that is talked about very openly. Best to you.

Re: Mental illness and menopause

Hi there @Mazarita and @BlueBay


Just letting you both know the topic your discussing is similar to the Ask Anything Monday question this week.

Some of the other members responses might be helpful!

Re: Mental illness and menopause

Hi Sadgirl,

I had  a very difficult time when going through peri-menopause. I experienced chronic anxiety that went off the scales and depression which contributed to my major breakdown when turning 50 directly related entering the menopausal stage. The anxiety caused by peri-menopause was particularly debilitating.

All women are different - some experience mild to severe symptoms while others breeze through. I also suffered hot flushes, dry skin and migraines as well. After trying different natural therapies/hormone supplements together with anti-depressants, although it helped was not enough for me. I went onto HRT and have been on it for 4 yrs now. This helped a lot and I am reluctant to go off them at the recommended 5 yrs as I feel so much better (risk of cancers increase after this time). But eventually will try weaning off and see how I cope.

Menopause definitely caused chronic anxiety and depression with myself but as already mentioned here is not talked about enough and GPs have a very limited knowledge about this fact verging on ignorance. I ended up seeing a specialist where I finally found help. All the best x

Re: Mental illness and menopause

Hi @Former-Member

I'm so glad you and @Mazarita understand.  When you said that you saw a specialist - do you mean a women's specialist (gyno)??

Some days i feel that i am not myself, a completely different person. Life for eg, this week i have been a real b**ch towards my husband.

I get the hot flushes but no all the time; it's more my moods and thoughts and behaviour. I also tend to ache in my body more and I have trouble sleeping.

I am 51 this year and have noticed that for a year or two my moods are so bad.  My anxiety and depression seems a whole lot worse at those times too.

Thanks for sharing your story. 

Re: Mental illness and menopause

I was peri-menopausal for years and struggled. My periods were always hporrendous - I was a homicidal maniac when I had Pre mentrual tension... Then I had a hysterectomy and double oopherectomy and cervix out - the LOT had to go because of nasty cellular changes in uterus, cycts in ovaries and cell changes on cervix. I used HRT for two weeks but couldn;t tolerate it - so just came off it and went cold turlkey menopause. I think it has made me loopier, nbut I no longer have that terrible, terrible build up prior to menstuating.


Hot flushes were happeing two dozen times a day until recently now about four - usually one after my evening meal and three during the night.

I am feeling so much 'calmer' about them now I only have 4 or 5 a day because hot flushes are NOT just heat - they re also flooding hormones and they would wind me up I think. So my experience of menopause is not the 'natural' long drawn out affair, but it definately has impacted my mental health adversley.