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Re: Gratitude posts

Helloooo, Sisters @Appleblossom & @Shaz51 et al.

Sister @MoonGal is well today.

I am grateful that I have come to a decision this morning to pack up the past, the hurt, the fear of Mother and Brother into an imaginary chest and bury it at sea. I just need to stop processing, stop exploring, stop trying to figure it all out, stop trying to heal the wound, it is terminal. It hurts like an acid bath in my mind and adds pain to my body and strips my spirit of all joy. The past is done. It done me. Time to cut the ties that bind and bury the past. A Sea Burial as fits a woman who lives by the Moon and Tides of bipolarity. I will still of course be a daughter, but I don;thave to be a sister. And when Mum passes I do not have to be a daughter, and that will be a huge relief and probably grief, until then I can be in role of love and care and must, because life demands it. 


I will to live in the now. 


I completed one course on character and have a lovely shiny certificate of completion from a University with my name on it. I am working now on the last assignment for the course on Plot and by this time next week I will have another shiny certificate. I have enjoyed the process immensely and learned so much about the craft of writing. I am grateful to have access (and that they had financial aid and waived my fees). I look forward to studying setting and description next year. 

I am grateful to have the tools, the mind, the imagination to write.
I am grateful I have a loving partner who supports me and listens to my newly written stories as I get anxious and agonise over the words.
I am grateful I have £500 and a room of my own.

Re: Gratitude posts

Hello @MoonGal, @bipolar101, @Appleblossom. @PeppiPatty, @Former-Member,  @NikNik xx

hello my sister @MoonGal xx

I am grateful today for Doctors and Nurses in the hospital for caring for my mum who has had surgery this week

What are you grateful for today @Former-Member, @TAB, @Former-Member,

Re: Gratitude posts

Today I am grateful for mostly calm if scattered thoughts, I am grateful for my walk, the food I ate and to have a roof over my head

Re: Gratitude posts

yes yes @TAB HeartHeart

Re: Gratitude posts

Hello @Shaz51 - thank you for thinking of me. I have been a bit all over the shop, but busy.

I am still grateful for being on the planet. Today anyways, a few days ago I was dreamin' of leavin' but I'm okay. 

Hope your Mum continues to heal up and you have down time. I know how fraught it can be having a loved one in hospital,

🙂 I am grateful for air conditioning and having my own lovely little home. Today I did waaaay too much housework. But gosh it all looks sparkly clean and shooshed. 

Having potato salad which I make with white mushrooms, chives, mint and chunks of pineapple. With a bean salad for tea tonight. Grateful for living in Australia and not America. 

Grateful for the opportunity to learn creative writing which is still going well. Grateful for my beautiful partner who goes out to work to support us both. Grateful for the love of my greyhound and the trust she has in me. 

Grateful for sisters like @Shaz51 ... and others here who helped me through the heard times. 

Re: Gratitude posts

Do it and move on, be mindful with the will help

Re: Gratitude posts

Having potato salad which I make with white mushrooms, chives, mint and chunks of pineapple. -- that sounds very interesting @MoonGal my sister xx

being grateful for all the different vegetables and fruit we can buy or grow

always here for you my sister

Hello @Matt12 


Not applicable

Re: Gratitude posts

Hi @Shaz51

I'm grateful for the gentle nurse that steri stripped my cuts and was very warm and lovely to me and didn't judge me.

Re: Gratitude posts

what a wonderful gentle nurse @Former-Member

I'm grateful and happy  to seeing my friend @Former-Member here  tonight Smiley LOLSmiley LOL


Re: Gratitude posts

@Former-Member. Am grateful you are okay and that you had such a wonderful nurse to help you. No judgment - that's so important. Sending love your way.