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In the midst of the worst depression. Nothing seems wortwhile. My wole life seems crap. Live in public housing. No job. Dropped out of uni. Now doing a tafe course. Everything seems so bleak. Is this what it's like to be stable? Need help.

Senior Contributor

Re: Depression

Hi M12. Can I ask why you dropped out of uni? You're doing a tafe course now. Are you enjoying that? Have you got your own Dr, I would suggest you get along to him/her and ask for some mild short term AD's to help get you out of the slump you seem to be in. You asked about stability, only you know how stable you are or want to be. Help is available, if you can get to a Dr and ask for help. Possibly seeing a counsellor/therapist/psychiatrist/psychologist would give you some answers. What would you like to do with your life, where do you see yourself next month/year? Try to make a plan of action, one day at a time. Start simple, build slowly.

Re: Depression

Hi @M12

Nice to "meet" you 🙂

Depression and no motivation go hand in hand - and also start a bit of a cycle. No motivation = not doing things = depression = no motivation and the cycle continues. 

Your post reminded me of another discussion about motivation you might be to check out, which was started by @Zam - you can find it here

I've seen you posting in 'Motivation for today' and just the fact that you're on this forum looking for answers is a really positive step forward! It's great that you're going to TAFE too!

@pip asked some good questions - have you been seeing any professionals about this?


Re: Depression

Thanks for the support. Yeah, I've got a doc. Seeing him next Friday. What I used to like to do was paint and draw, but these things now seem so pointless. Apart from these things nothing intersts me, except mental illmess itself. I thought that maybe I could help others. I dropped out of a great course because of depression which I'm really upset about. I took on the tafe course really to do something, anything at all, and of course on the hope of one day getting a job. Still feel sad; that having a diagnosis and being poverty stricken means forever being single and giving up on dreams. I guess I'm still in shock over how bleak my life is. I am though, trying to rebuild. Since my psychosis it is a very gradual process.

Re: Depression

Hi M12,

You're post sounds similar to my own story. I had to defer Uni twice because of psychosis. I finished a degree in 6 years, that should have taken me 4. This was devastating for me. However, I did finish it, and now I have a good job and financial independence.

I am also engaged to someone who is really understanding of my illness and moods. He is a nurse, and has a very caring nature. He helps keep me stable, so I can work and be happy.

For a long time, I was angry and grieving for all the things I lost as a direct result of psychosis. Relationships, friendships, education/career opportunities, lost time (hospitalisation, recovery) etc.

However, I am greatful for what I have now. It was't easy (it was so unbelievably difficult to go back to uni, twice, and face my peers and teachers).

Hopefully, you can set some meaningful goals and achieve them too. Make sure you surround yourself with positive people and cut out negative influences. Having a good psychciatrist and psychologist has helped me.