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Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hello everyone

I was talking to my mum about this , and she said that I have been like that all my life

doing something for someone else all the time and forget myself

I thought about it and it is sooooo true , even if I do something for me -- it is really for someone else

so how do I change !!!!

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

@Shaz51 wrote:

Hello everyone

I was talking to my mum about this , and she said that I have been like that all my life

doing something for someone else all the time and forget myself

I thought about it and it is sooooo true , even if I do something for me -- it is really for someone else

so how do I change !!!!

Hi @Shaz51

Maybe you can start by thinking about things that you like, then going to the library and finding some books that interest you about those things.

It might be something like crosswords, or a jigsaw puzzle, in which case you can pick up a crossword book from the newsagent (they don't cost very much) or a jigsaw puzzle from a discount store and give it a go.

Local community centres or libraries often have classes advertised on their notice boards.  You could try that too.

See how you go ...


Re: What do you do for "me" time?

DEar @Faith-and-Hope

You are so clever in self care. When my son first got ill many years ago with brain took me until about 5 years to understand what self care is. And I was in Psychotherapy for all that time too.

I so didnt think that my self was important enough. 

When @Shaz51 writes this about what her Mum says, well.....can I relate to this. 

As I reach into the road of self care, I always have a Take 5 or a That's Life magazine nearby....Its a little like meditation for me. 

Better than Television 

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hello @Faith-and-Hope and @PeppiPatty xx

I haven`t done a jigsaw puzzle for years , mum has about a 100 jigsaw puzzles at her place , i used to do them all the time

I also liked certain crosswords -- will have to buy a book of them

and also go back buying my magazine that I like -- used to get them at the discount shop but they don`t keep them now

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope, I am remembering what I was interested in -- Like Genealogy, and I used to go to the Library and get lots of books to read

You know it is sad that when things change you can lose what you once enjoyed

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Thank you @PeppiPatty 😊💕

Love what you wrote .... and glad you have worked out that you're soooo worth it ❣

You are a wonderful support to everyone here, and I love your art, and I love your humour ❣



Go get back what you like @Shaz51, and new appreciation will grow ....

Many libraries have magazines for loan too you know ....


Re: What do you do for "me" time?


my special friend , You are a wonderful support to everyone here and to me for the past year , thankyou

you are AWESOME HeartHeart

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hi all. I haven't been on here for some time now. I have found ways to care for me. It's been so important as it helps those around me who are struggling. If I'm strong, everything seems to "work" better. I'm also trying to be a roll model for my daughter who struggles greatly with her mental health. I find that being together, joined at the hip, is not good for either one of us. We need space and balance. I also had to find a "new me" as the old me had a neck injury as well as multiple stresses.
So what I do is volunteer with animals. Gets me out for a few hours a week, in nature, with nature. I'm appreciated there and loved by the animals. It makes me feel wanted and loved which isn't always felt at home.
I also do a parkrun. It's weekly, early on Saturday mornings and goes for an hour or thereabouts. It's for all strengths. Some run, some walk. It doesn't matter how old or unfit you are. People take their dogs, their children, their friends. It's a way to meet people, if you're up to it or just to feel the fresh air and move your body. It's usually non interfering at home as it starts at 8 am and my daughter is still asleep. They have these parkruns in many areas around Australia, even the world. There's 2 in my local area.
I have coffee with close friends once a week.
When I'm not able to go out, I do gardening. Once again, outside in nature and physical.
I knit, do patchwork quilting, embroidery, draw, jigsaw puzzles or whatever I can when my emotions let me.
When I'm not up to crafts, I put earphones in and listen to music or watch shows on utube, in my own world.
I find I need a multitude of things - to make me feel like I still have some kind of life.
My daughter likes those "me" times when I'm out as well. It rejouvenates her too.
And I must say, there's been some improvements.

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

That is sounding wonderful @quietscreams .... 😊

Good for you ❣

I find I need a multitude of things too ..... it's too easy to get swallowed up in the problems otherwise .... and we have to be able to recharge our own batteries .... so important.

I am very happy you are finding the right sort of balance for you ....

🌷 F&H

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hello @quietscreams HeartHeart

I am very happy you are finding the right sort of balance for you ...

.I find it very hard to find the right balance at the moment , I start off ok but then something always happens

and I have to start again

Re: What do you do for "me" time?

Hi Shaz51
I was happy gardening earlier but was interrupted myself, so I came out. I'm sitting in my car, doing puzzles in a magazine, with the window open and fresh air streaming in. It's beautiful and calming.
I'm now texting to see what the others want for tea and I will go back to face things, with a plan. Even if that plan is only tea. (My daughter has an eating disorder so it's a useful plan).
I will start again.
That's what I find helps. It's recharging my batteries as Faith-and-hope said.
Good luck and remember you. When you remember yourself, and help yourself, you help those around you too.
Going for a little walk helps too. X