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Re: Trying to stay Sane

I'm really glad to hear that @Eve7 


My grand-daughter lives in Queensland - I saw her in July 2019 and I love it where she lives on the Sunshine Coast and I was planning to see her again this year but the rest of us live in Victoria and we can't even see each other - Certainly not go to Queensland


I have been okay with the lock-down restrictions but it is all wearing pretty thin by now - I am dealing with things better than most I think - but when going to my clinic for a free Health Check is the high-point of the month that's getting past the fun part


I hope you are as well as possibleHeart





Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you @WIP 


I am actually leaving what can wait until tomorrow - a decision I may regret and something I never do but it's necessary today. 🙂


Yes lack of sleep definitely affects how we cope and respond to life - I am sorry that you didn't get enough. Hopefully tonight your mind will switch off from exhaustion and allow you the grace to catch up on the lost sleep.  I am sending out to the Universe good vibes for you to get a peaceful nights sleep. You will have to touch base tomorrow and let me know if it helped. (Fingers crossed) xxx



Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi @Anastasia 


I'm glad the pic fits - I thought it would - I did office work for most of my working life and no matter how neat ny dest was in the evening when I left first thing in the morning it was chaos


So I hear you




Where do I begin?Where do I begin?

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Gosh @Owlunar 

Is there an update on perhaps lifting the restrictions due this weekend? I cannot even imagine living with it.


We have had a small period where we had restrictions but nothing in comparison and I struggled with that as I missed my parents dreadfully as well as the contact in the way of a hug.


Hugs are such good medicine.

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hearing you @Owlunar  about tiring of lockdown but sticking with it.  Not an anti masker, but not dobbing in those I see on my walks without face covering.


Yeah ... Hmmmm ...  about desks. lol

Smiley Happy

It is just that I do feel more connected than I did before.

Gentle low energy Cheers All

Smiley Happy

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi again @Appleblossom 


I think the restrictions are pretty tough where you are too - on the opposite side of the Bay from me


Here people have their masks stapled to their faces - and getting pretty cloth masks has become a "thing" 


I haven't thought to dob either - but I glared at someone without one on one occasion


Though I gotta say - when the weather gets warmer then the disposable masks will be easier - I tried this last week.


Being connected - I have been chatting on the phone with my daughter more than we used to - we used to text a lot - however in shops and at my medical clinic I have a feeling that we have to "move along quickly - we need to keep our numbers down" and at my clinic I have my temperature taken and have to fill in a form - d'uh - of course I am breathless - I am wearing a mask



Re: Trying to stay Sane

 I answer yes to feelings of breathlessness .. on the forms.  So much extra paperwk, but for a good cause. @Owlunar 


Most people wear them and fashions abound.  Toughy men wearing black.


My family is not a support and I am facing the fact that it rarely has been.  I have always done better on my own.  Sad but true.   I am still isolated from my daughter and my son is having regular high issue manic episodes.  Trauma does travel thru generations despite my best efforts to stem the tide.

Have to work with what I have, so I garden and make music and try not to get down-hearted.




Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi @Owlunar yes the Sunshine Coast is lovely. I’m about 3 hours from there. Some friends have invited me to go away with them up near there later this year. I’ve paid for it but I’m not all that enthused to go.

My day has been ok with a GP appointment and food shopping highlights this afternoon.

Its lovely to catch up with you 🤗

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I feel very blessed to have such gorgeous grandchildren @WIP  who are too young to realise their mother and grandmother have mh issues.

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Having little ones around can be very therapeutic @Eve7 and you are very blessed to have some beautiful grandchildren of your own.


I don't have any children, but am a doting Aunty to a 9 yo nephew and 5 yo niece.  Unfortunatley, they moved interstate 2 1/2 - 3 years ago and it broke my heart & I'm still grieving they don't live in Melb anymore. I miss the simple little things like singing and doing your grand daughters hair, the most.  Those simple things are priceless.  My nephew knows his Aunty 'doesn't feel well' sometimes, that's why she would cancel at the last

minute when plans had been made etc. He's very intuitive, so I'm sure he knows there's more to it. But I try to be 'fun' Aunty WIP when I speak or FaceTime them - some times it's very difficult though.