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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Me too .... ❣️
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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Hey @Smc et al

Finally got out into the garden for a short stint and pulled a few weeds, liberating some windflowers in the process). Mindful not to overdo things as I am quite unfit and until Mr Darcy recovers from surgery need to be able to drive.

Paid a student friend of ours to help with whipper snipping last weekend and I mowed. We also got the enthusiastic garden maintenance man back. Am waiting for a wind and rain free day to get some spraying done. Am concerned that we might have a close encounter with Joe Blake if I do not get the area around the house attended to.

Don't know about you but I cannot seem to be able to complete weeding one spot entirely, I go from spot to spot making ad hoc piles of weeds.

Mr Darcy physically unable to help at the moment - he usually goes in after me and picks up.

Tweaking meds and finding what works can be a difficult time - thinking of you and your daughter.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Thanks @Former-Member.

I'm usually reasonable at weeding out one area before I move to the next. We'll have to use the whippersnipper to get down all that I haven't managed to pull yet, because there's preditions of an early start to a nasty fire season this year. Because we're near a creek, snakes and other wildlife are always possible. 'S'funny though, we've lived here for over 17 years and have seen maybe four snakes in our yard. I'm positive that they'd be around, but they're mostly mutually keen to keep away from us.

I'm off to my parents' place again this next week, and daughter's going back for the next medication tryout tomorrow (bed availability permitting). I'm waiting to see if the seeds I planted in Dad's old veggie patch on the last visit have grown. If so, there should be young potato plants, snowpeas, parsley, silverbeet and lettuce, plus it's possible that I might get self seeded tomatoes and basil from last year's plantings. Dad's asparagus patch is probably sending up spears; hoping they won't be too far gone. I may have mentioned before that the veg plantings are with the intention of giving me someting to look forward to on my visits, as well as a fresh food supply. The trips are emotionally and physically hard work, and even though it's only a little thing, it makes a difference.


Re: Self care by growing a garden

Hello @Smc, @Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope, @Appleblossom, @Lostatsea 

my hedge




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Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Smc ...

Hedge looks good @Shaz51

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Mr shaz has trimmed it since this photo @Former-Memberand now it had brown patches through it , so hope it come back like the photo Smiley Happy

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

What plant is it @Shaz51

Re: Self care by growing a garden

I can`t find the name @Former-Member, it is alway green

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

If it is a leafy plant (not a conifer) it probably will be right @Shaz51

Re: Self care by growing a garden

It is an unusually bright green, looks like new shoots.