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As a sufferer of chronic fatigue (cfs) and recovering from OCD,I found that sufferers have to responsible for themselves.Just taking care of themselves everyday to be a little better off.Simple things that can be done to get through a day.Things like:

eating the right foods.cutting back foods that exacerbate symptoms,finding ways to deal with issues.


I found that I didnt have the luxury of just living with a disorder.I never had the bumper sticker "I love my disorder".I had to deal with the disorder because its not something you keep.Its a dreaded disease of the mind.It had to go.I won.


I'm not devoted to keeping illnesses.I made sure that sucker of a disease didnt hang around.As OCD changed the way I looked by preventing me from doing many everyday things including grooming,I looked like an old homeless man.It had to go.You dont devote your life to that.That would be irresponsible.I never lost sight of me.No matter how awful I looked.No matter how much pain I was in I had to responsible and get off my **** and do something to ease my suffering.When you can see the real you,it changes your attitude.I hear overweight people lose weight but they still see the overwight person.That doesnt make sense.They should see the real person.The one who looks after themselves.I saw me through all my faults and didnt look down at myself.I saw the real me.The one who gave me back to me.


I never lost me.I would look in the mirror and never lost sight of who I am.I could still see the real me.That was one thing that kept me going.When I could finally afford to do  something I started spending the money to deal with my problems.I knew all about pressure points/acypressure pints.I know have 2 books on them and a twice daily routine thats made me healthier on the inside.As pressure pionts are part of the healing system within our bodies.Everyone can benefit from what I do.Healthy people can benefit and ill people can benefit.Just doing something as simp0le as rubbing pressure points to get our immune systems running at their peak of effeiciency does wonders for our bodies.Can you spare 2 minutes a day to get your body working better? Of couse you can.Make time.Manage your time better if you need to.And the best news its free too.Ifound a website showing pressure point diagams and which points to rub for a few seconds each.I've shared that link with many people of all ages.Those who chose to look into it have found their symptoms reduced in severity and noticeable improvements.


We need to be responsible as sufferers and as carers.Each of us in our own way have the responbility to look after ourselves at all times.


Re: Responsibilities.

Hi Denv12,

Thanks for your post. I think this is really great advice, and I also think it's fantastic that you are doing something practical to help yourself. Good on you!!

You mentioned a website where you found these techniques? I wonder if you would like to share that website with us?


Re: Responsibilities.

Hi Hobbit.


Thank you.I'm glad you like my ideas.


As for the website,the rules of the forum dont allow me to provide the link.



Re: Responsibilities.

Hi Denv12,

Just seein how you are going?


Re: Responsibilities.

Hi Hobbit.


I live comfortably and look after myself.I make progress regularly because of what I do everyday.

