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Topic Tuesday *closed* Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

I've found that when your in a really serious place say.......a meeting with someone important that if someone who has obvious times of mental ill health that no one checks on them if so,etching was said that others are uncomfortable with. It's really sad. personally. That's my cue to say something kind and very funny to lighten the situati n......

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

@PeppiPatty What usually makes your brother laugh?

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

I said it without really thinking, and he looked so confused, like he wanted to laugh, but couldn't work out if it was appropriate. And then the whole situation hit me, I'm walking around with a leaking bottle, while I'm leaking too, and I started laughing. Which made me feel better, and him too I think.

I think as well, the fact that we were laughing about it made the whole situation less awkward. And it calmed me down enough to explain that I was having a bad day.


Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

Here's a question for everyone @Former-Member @Crazy_Bug_Lady @PeppiPatty and @DanielTobias:

When did you last laugh at yourself during a tough time? Can you tell us about it? I know that @Crazy_Bug_Lady  just told us about her recent experience perhaps she give another? Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

@Crazy_Bug_Lady  That sounds like a good result. 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

@PeppiPatty What would you say if nobody was censoring you?

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

@Former-Member I can totally relate. Deferring is great way to get the spotight off you. Hmmm, I wonder if @DanielTobias to take the focus away from you?

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

got the Australian award for incredibly quick funny moment.
I personally can't even think of anything funny in situations like this.....!! that's gem what she said!!!

Oh, once I was working at a place who would not let me have any time off work. Though my son Was really really ill and in emergency almost three times per week..........I went to work and joked around with the clients and a client came up to me when I was having a coffee down the street and told me I'm really funny and cool but can't remember what I said and just looked at him and his,wife if they had a lobotomy before they went into that place I was working in...

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

If somebody is being complimentary and I feel awkward, I will say something self-depricating.

It's a very Australian thing to do.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight - 9pm AEST: Laughter 4 Mental health. This will make you chuckle...

Does that make people feel awkward @DanielTobias ?

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