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Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

What if things go downhill over the Christmas period? @Former-Member @Shaz51 @coffeegirl @DollFace are the usual supports (Drs, psychs, community support etc) that you use available over this time?

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

Hello all,

Yes, I second the lack of routine around Christmas time. That gave me some peace time, getting out of the house occasionally and taking my mind off things (some normality).  My biggest stress around Christmas this time is My daughter's erratic mood swings which have ignited once again. The abuse that can be suffered by myself, husband and daughter to herself. It is a terrible way to live and the stress of Christmas quadtriples it.

Am also afraid daughter will change her mind about attending Christmas functions, (which was one of the issues raised here); but I will still have to attend whilst worrying whether my daughter will do something erratic whilst I am not there - such as self harm. Or if she does go with us she could erupt into a mood swing and ruin Christmas for all who are with us. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

sorry just read my post sounds sarcastic was not meant to be.

i have been told to focus on my breathing to help with my major anxiety

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

Hi, I dread Christmas as the last two my 32 year old dual diagnosis son has ended up trashing his place with anger that his siblings haven't caught up with him.i am really disappointed that his brothers have chosen to keep their distance as has his father. However this year I have managed to keep Xmas day free for him and he so far is happy for that- MEB

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

hello @Former-Member

understand how hard it is going to be for you. all so recent.

could she not stay at home and have like a tag team set up if at all practical or is the function too far away.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW


all on holiday

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

Hi @NikNik

Wow - more than one place to go on Christmas stresses my hubby out!

Drs, psychs, community support etc) that you use available over this time? -- no support at all @NikNik

What if things go downhill over the Christmas period? -- we go back home @NikNik where home is his comfort zone @NikNik


Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

@Shaz51  - So the home environment does the trick? That's good to know - not great that you have to drop everything to leave, but I guess it's good to know you have a solution & plan.

How about you @Former-Member , if this has happened in the past during Christmas break, what have you found helpful - either through formal support, informal support or simply strategies to get through?

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

Hello @NikNik
Seasons greetings to everyone.
I am worried about getting through the season because I am sad. It is hard to deal with all the happy making stuff.
Does anyone ever have a really happy Christmas?

Re: Topic Tuesday // What gets you stressed over Christmas? // LIVE NOW

Hello @Former-Member

Yes the function is too far away, at my husbands son's home - we would be staying overnight and then drive home the next day. We are so looking forward to seeing him and our grandson but worried our daughter won't be fit to attend or stay by herself. What a predicament. She does have better days but if today is anything to judge by we are in a real situation. My stepson is expecting us and it could cause relationship problems there if we don't attend. 💕