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Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

I just tried to reply to @Former-Member's comment but my post disappeared for some reason.  The parents should be supervising the children anyway.  A solution would be to have a gender-free bathroom available and still have separate male and female ones for those who want them.  It is already happening in some places.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

Can we bring back the conversation to reslience. I fear that this discussion about toilets may be feeding into what IDAHoT is trying to challenge - fear and phobia towards LGBTI people. 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

Hi @RossQLife

I'll blame that slip on a senior moment. It was good to see the Rainbow flag flying at work today. We also attended a breakfast followed by an exceptional guest speaker.

Now my aim is to see the same open approach taken for those in our community who have the lived experience of an MI.

Just last week I got smacked in the teeth because of my bipolar. Now I'm taking steps to ensure the same thing doesn't happen to someone else.
Discrimination can however apply to any minority group

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

@RossQLife Do you know much about dysphoria?  This is my main concern with my adult child.  I feel the degree of dysphoria is hindering the development of resilience.  I would like to be better able at support in this area.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

This raises so many things for me - especially that for people who are LGBTI, there are so many forgotten things. Most LGBTI people lead really happy and adjusted lives, especially in the face of discrimination and, yep, sometimes action of abuse or violence. None of this is thier fault, and none of it is happens becuase of who they are.

Resilience is built as a way to cope, but with the small everday disciminations that occur but also against really huge challanges like mental health or assault. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

hi @kurra what a great workplace. And I LOVE your idea about MI having a similar show of public understanding!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

@RossQLife I think one of the most damaging aspects of discrimination is the sweeping negative generalisations people can make about entire groups of people. It makes me really REALLY sad. We see this with people who have an MI - they are often labelled as violent.

How can one be resilient in response to stereotyping like this?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

I agree, how to we feel strong in a world that judges. I have had discrimination for MI & Obesity & its harder to go out in the world when whats waiting is criticism. My own brother told me a sure way to suicide & get it over with...How can we be strong in the face of people telling us we are not acceptable?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

We see a huge degree of resilience in babies making that developmental move from crawling to standing upright and walking. They fall over countless times but get up and try again. Resilience to me is about being initially upset as all humans will but having the strength and courage to bounce back again, time and time again.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

Hi @eth yep I do know things about dysphoria, and there are arguments about whether this is a useful label or not, just like in lots of other mental health spaces. The process of transistioning can be a really huge journey for anyone, but finding a good team of health professionals is a great place to start (Doctor, Psychiatrist/Psychologist and Endocrinologist are all part of the AUstralian process of transitioning). Many people identity as transgender, and to get medical treament this is typically what's required. For other people who have a more 'complicated' experience of gender... (complicated for society, not for them sometimes!)... a good, understanding counsellor can make a world of difference.

Hope this makes sense! Wall of text!