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Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

It's also their fear getting the better of them. By belittling us or any minority group they don't feel so scared.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

Openly talking about our selves, our identities and our experiences of discrimination is something you do indeed hear from LGBTI people.

I think the idea of making this more acceptable when talking about our experiences of mental health is something I'll definitely take away from tonight and push to make happen!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

It took some time but I decided to disclose my bipolar 1 and cptsd initially to a select few support members in my family, then gradually to the broader family.  I still rarely disclose to social contacts as I've been discriminated against by  trusted people a couple of times and am no longer prepared to make it possible for that to happen.  But all my family have been very supportive and I have no regrets there.  I decided I was not up to educating the general public yet.  Still have to put my own needs first to stay resilient.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

Your idea of fear is spot on, @Kurra. If you'll all indulge me, I'm going to share a very nerdy quote as this forum comes to a close. I think it talks about what @Former-Member is talking about too. It's from DUNE by Frank Herbert...

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me."

How great is that?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

In a way, you're talking about your personal choices around vulnerability @eth. Sounds like you really know what works for you, good one.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

Most in my circle still see MI (suffering) as a choice, even poverty / unemployment. Me a bit of a coward, I still find it too risky to tell most people, they don't want to understand.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

@eth and @RossQLife being able to talk openly about ourselves, I think is also my take home message from this conversation. It's so important for everyone, I think. To accept ourselves and to feel accepted by others. It's certainly something to work towards.

Ok, 10 minutes to go. 

Now is the time to get your final thoughts in. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

I have been open and honest about my bipolar since day 1. I'll even put it in a job application and still get the job.
Yes I've experienced discrimination but comparatively very little.
It's hard to gossip about something that isn't a secret.
In some respects it has made my journey more difficult but in the main being so open has made my life a lot simpler.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

I must respectfully disagree with some in your circles then @Former-Member Cat Happy I've seen too many people struggle and fight valiantly against things that they had no control over, and I've often seen them win the unwinnable.

Keep on doing your thing day by day, and I hope our talk about resilience tonight has been useful!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Resilience as a response to discrimination // Tues, 17 May, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member ahhh that old adage that that MI is a choice. It's also the same adage that people push on LGBTI people. Some things are not, in fact, a choice. Hopefully, through education people will learn that its not a matter choice. People do not choose to hear voice and be depressed.